Howdy Y'all

Feb 08, 2006 21:11

I know i know its been a long time coming but here is my update on my life! well since october loads has happened as you would expect but cant really remember the majority of it! major thing i suppose is im still at 'accessbolton' but gradually beginning to hate it more and more as the day goes by. dont get me wrong im loving the people and the money isnt all that bad but i hate working in callcentres with all its shitty office politics and i find it all generally a bit of a bore!

ive started seeing someone - its going ok, not fantastic but ok and thats all im gonna say on that matter.

really cant think of much to say except its my birthday soon so looking forward/dreading that!going out lots which will be cool but also think it might be bad as things u really look forward to generally are arent they?cant believe its a year since my party - thats so mad!things have changed so much for all of us!

anyways thats enough for now - will begin to update more regularly tho now i promise

love to you all
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