So...I've been hearing from people, a whisper here, a comment or thought there
about their experiences with the Mojo Meetings.
I've met a lot of really great people through them
But Bob and I just got way too busy to host them.
So here's my thought:
There's been enough interest in starting them up again
that I think we should have a meeting
about the meetings!
Bob and I are not really all that interested in having them at our house anymore.
So we were thinking about our available community spaces.
And of course the idea of our
warehouse came to mind.
I'm going to ask and see if this is even possible(it probably is)
but I wanted to see if you guys were still interested in meeting.
I think it would be great to talk about what we want from them.
What kinds of topics
how the meetings would go etc.
I haven't talked to the LLC/CC about using the space yet
so don't get all riled up about this quite yet.
And we'd probably need a contingency plan for the winter(freaking cold!!!)
Let's hear what you think about all of this.
Did the meetings work for you?
Did you get something out of it?
Would you come to more?
What more would you like to see?
Tell me everything!
And feel free to post these thoughts as community posts
rather than just comments here.
Lemme hear your spirit speak!~