30DGSC: Days 4 and 5

Oct 05, 2014 13:03

Yesterday I had the U PICK ME UP, which was tart to the extreme. It might have been tart because I dropped the frozen bag and lost a bunch of blueberries and then lost a bunch of raspberries in a sink of soapy water, so I'm fairly certain my measurements were off. I added some almond butter to try to save it, which worked somewhat. I'm also having this smoothie today.

While making U PICK ME UP I realized I was drinking 32 oz of smoothie rather than the 16 oz required. All because I thought mason jars held 8 oz lol. Obviously canning is not my strong suit!

I also came to the realization that I can't just take my prepared smoothie out of the freezer and blend it. That ends as some weird sorbet that must defrost before drinking :o/ I think I will try putting the smoothie bag I want make in the fridge the might before. All of my fruit except the bananas and oranges is frozen, so I hope this strategy doesn't end up with a really runny smoothie.

Tonight I think I'll put B-LIMEY STRAWBERRY in the fridge and freeze a banana to add, since I read this smoothie is super duper tart.

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30 green smoothie challenge

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