auction up at livelongnmarry

Jul 05, 2008 11:29

I have two auction items up at livelongnmarry: In one I offer to ghost write a fic for someone who has a story they want to tell but not the time or inclination to write it. I limited it to Blood Ties, Veritas: The Quest, or Jane Austen, but I could be talked into any fandom I've written in.

In the second offer I put up an antique book called The People's Home Library, which was published in 1916 and includes volumes on home medicine, cooking, and home livestock care. A great resource for historical fic of the period.

I was hoping to find someone offering help with web site design, but the one I could afford was offering it with Wordpress, and since I don't know Wordpress, I wouldn't be able to tweak it.
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