is probably the best overall progressive political blog I've found.
Checking it out today, ignore the first article, about Mark Foley, cause it's really too vague to know whether anything is there, and skip to the article on trade and economics beneath it. Great stuff, that. eta: well, at the time, all I knew was that he asked the kid how old he was and when was his birthday so he could send him a present; given what has now come to light, obviously, not vague, and there is something there. The weirdest part is that the Republicans investigated the guy long ago and took his word that he was innocent and so were the e-mails/IM's. How is asking him to strip and if he makes you horny *possibly* innocent? And what is it w/all the people who take jobs or positions looking out for kids harassing (in this case) or even molesting and raping them (various other cases I recall over the years)? Weird.
Mediagirl earlier had some equally great stuff about the awfulness of James Webb, the dem guy running against George Allen in Virginia. Great when the party I ostensibly support (despite being registered as an independent, I consider myself a dem-by-default when it comes to actual voting) puts up a truly hardcore, extreme misogynist.
So, the democrat who elaborates in actual words how he considers women inferior and who campaigned against John Kerry and was a Republican until fairly recently, and who may be racist against Asians, or . . . the Republican who hurls racist epithets indiscriminately? I'm so glad I don't live in northern virginia anymore . . . This is where I would vote for a 3rd party candidate. If you told me my vote would be the deciding one, because it would somehow affect one other vote, and the dem would either win or lose by one vote based on what I did? I would vote either Green, Libertarian, or Socialist, or write in myself or Sasha, and publicize my choice w/glee. We don't need people like Webb in office, it just confuses the issue. Or maybe clarifies what is wrong w/the party, because most of the leadership and the daily kos guy is 4square behind this scumbag ("Jim Webb, Warrior"? AAAAAAHHHH!!!!). They're also behind the anti-choice Casey idiot in Pennsylvania. So, they want to win at all costs, don't give a shit about the issue of choice, or women in general, and aren't even smart enough to learn from past mistakes (i.e. in Penn, Spector, the Rep? He's pro-choice. The last time we ran an anti-choice candidate there, in 2000? He lost. Gore, pro-choice, carried the state. Do the dems actually secretly believe the Republican propaganda on this issue?)
There's a syndicated feed button on this site. When I hit it, things that might as well be in Arabic shows up asking me what I want to do w/this. Now, either I can wait till Sasha is awake, I'm awake, I have energy, and she's in a good enough mood to do this for me, or, I can do it myself and hope I don't kill the computer, or, one of you nice people who still bother reading this can tell me how to make this show up on my friends list. *g*
Also very worthwhile reading, This is a very interesting and informative article. It's about the problematic nature of Hugo Chavez (who I generally have liked in the past) allying himself as closely as he has w/Iran. And the conflicts between Chavez's concerns for the downtrodden and Iran's throwing down and trodding upon women. And, well, I agree. Period. End of story. Give Chavez credit for the good stuff he's done, overlook his lack of sympathy for the devil (like the front-running presidential candidate in the Ecuadorean election, I felt the Bush-is-Satan remark clearly insulted the angel formerly known as Lucifer, cause, the devil? At least is supposed to be highly intelligent. Bush? I'll again go w/the Ecuadorean guy), but, hey, whatever his motivations, he needs to be less effusive in his Iran-love here.
Also points out that Chavez is anti-choice, which I actually hadn't known.
I withdraw my previous "I heart Chavez" comments. I was wrong. It happens. (I do not w/draw my previous dislike of Pelosi's "Bush is my president, Chavez is a thug for criticizing him" comments).
And lastly, echoing the dismay exoressed by so many others over the Senate passing the idiot bill yesterday. You know the one.