
Jun 17, 2011 12:32

I have stuff to say in my free time, maybe even somewhat important stuff (or stuff that would be important if I had 250 million readers who seriously considered all that I said; given actual readership, I don't think anything I say qualifies as important) but I just don't have the mental energy.

On the other hand, I do have the mental energy to point at this:

The article itself probably won't interest most of you, but many of the comments are, at least in my present mood, highly amusing. Like this excerpt:

why they believed this is complicated and deeply pyschotic, probably due to some atavistic brain stem energy backflow into the fish consciousness. but today, we have the same thing going on, in metaphor. the high priests of the elite money-blood run the banks and rip the money heart out of the peasants and the Fed presides over this ritual sacrifice like Montezuma, with grim determination to propitiate the gods of the money blood.

Or this one:

I don’t know why that happens really. It may be my DNA Radios going online, if that’s the way it works. Or maybe the Leibniz Monads my DNA Radios are constructed from convert life energy obtained from the ether to wave-particles, driving my DNA Radios to act this way whether they intended to or not. Self determination is a thing not well understood, as I’m sure you are aware.

But you can always read the novel anyway, whether you want to or not.

And it should be pointed out that I was always a Leibniz fan back in my undergrad days, and kinda still am, but this, taken out of context and placed into present context, is just flat out hilarious:

Then again, Monads are pretty trippy.

"It thus appears that if we had in our perceptions nothing marked and, so to speak, striking and highly-flavoured, we should always be in a state of stupor. And this is the state in which the bare Monads are."

Or this one:

Money is not some arbitrary concept. Money is NOT an illusion. No, money is information…in the most fundamental Claude Shannon conception of information.

As such, money is negative entropy. [Hence the play on the famous Boltzmann equation S=k log w.]

If you're not all rolling on the floor right now, and dying to read this comment thread, I don't get it. (the article itself is worth reading, but not anything I don't think most of you have thought of already, in principle if not all the details).

Alas, no one answers whether the black lodge and the white lodge are indeed the same, or explains the visions.

biddley-boop, wheee!, prismatic colors

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