Trivial Stupid Blog comment of the day! "Rush Limbaugh is something of a socialist."

Oct 07, 2009 06:40

On grrm's blog, the one about Rush Limbaugh trying to buy a pro football team, wherein he wonders how the players will feel having a pretty obvious racist for an owner (he is equally obviously many other kinds of a bigot, misogynist homophobe etc,, but I'm guessin ghte comment was directed here because at least women and out gays are unlikely to be playing under him, and ewww that image, make that playing on his team, and, okay, I'm quitting w/that now).

But, among the various Rush-ain't-racist defenders, and better yet the "who cares if Rush is racist?" defenders, we have, far, far far surpassing the idiots who think Obama is a socialist, someone saying they think Rush Limbaugh is a socialist.

I can't express myself well enough to give that the snark it deserves.

If I still read comments at Salon and HuffPo, would I see stuff like this all the time?

updated to add Okay, caliantrias has pointed me to something truly scary and even offensive, but also somewhat laughter-inducing, in the comments. This deserves main post status.

delusion, george rr martin, football, politics, insanity, conservatives

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