In the Sunshine (Frodo/Sam) PG

Sep 24, 2011 21:22

Title: In the Sunshine
Author: moit
Pairing: Frodo/Sam
Fandom: LotR
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Warnings: Slash, naked Hobbits
Summary: Frodo and Sam take a dip in a pond on a hot summer day.
Word Count: 279
Author's Note: Happy birthday, romeny!

Frodo’s skin was even more golden in the sunlight. The glistening water droplets made it look like he was made up of a thousand diamonds.

“Honestly, Sam. It’s entirely too hot out. You’ve got to be melting with all those layers.”

True, Sam was wearing trousers, braces, and a shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He’d unbuttoned the weskit, but it still hung limply over his shoulders.

Frodo, on the other hand, was as naked as the day he was born. Sam flushed and looked away when he caught himself staring.

“I promise I won’t look,” Frodo said, placing a hand over his eyes.

“You sure?” Sam asked hesitantly. He waved a hand over Frodo’s face just to be sure.

As quickly as he could, Sam disrobed, dropping his clothes in a pile at his feet. His body wasn’t as lean as Frodo’s, or as tan, but it was still nice. Compared to most of the other Hobbits, Sam was stocky, but firm. He had nothing to be embarrassed about, but that didn’t stop him from getting shy around Frodo.

He ran and jumped the pond with a splash! He shook the hair out of his face. “You can open your eyes now!” he called, once he made sure the water covered him from the waist down.

“How does it feel?” Frodo asked, squinting down at him.

“It’s so nice,” Sam sighed, spinning around.

“Okay, I’m coming in,” Frodo said, standing up.

Sam averted his eyes out of deference and embarrassment.

Frodo broke the water, shaking his curls like a dog. “I was peeking, you know,” he said, treading water perilously close to Sam. “I liked what I saw.”

Sam blushed scarlet to the tips of his pointed ears. he didn’t even resist when Frodo kissed him.

fandom: lotr, pairing: lotr: frodo/sam, rating: pg, gift fic

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