Blind (Domlijah) PG-13 (8/?)

Aug 14, 2011 08:42

Title: Blind - 8/?
Author: moit
Pairing: Domlijah
Fandom: Lord of the Rings RPF
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Drama
Warnings: Slash, violence
Summary: After a horrific accident, Elijah is blinded. Dom is left to pick up the pieces of their broken life.
Word Count: 1,597
Previous Chapters here

Josh wasn’t around nearly as much as Dom expected him to be. Granted, he was in Hawaii for work as well as pleasure, but Dom had to admit that he expected Josh to get Elijah out of the house more than he did.

Still, Josh’s presence was good for Elijah. Dom watched as they shared music and inside jokes. Elijah hadn’t laughed so much since before the accident.

“I’ll be home tonight,” Dom said, kissing Elijah’s cheek. “You guys are going out today, right?”

Elijah shook his head. “Josh is going in to town, but I’m going to hang out here.”


Behind Elijah, Josh was shaking his head furiously. With a sigh, Dom let the argument go.

“I love you,” he said softly.

“You too,” Elijah replied.

Dom left, almost looking forward to work more than he looked forward to coming home. In the back of his mind, he couldn’t wait for Josh to go home.


After the tense goodbye that morning, Dom was shocked to see Josh and Elijah appear on the set. Josh looked confident and cock-sure as always, but Elijah seemed lost and very unlike himself. Dom walked up to them and took Elijah’s hand. Elijah tilted his face up for a kiss that Dom willingly bestowed. Forgiven, then.

“What are you guys doing here?” Dom asked.

Josh shrugged noncommittally. “Elijah hasn’t been to the set, and I certainly haven’t, so we thought we’d come down to say ‘hi.’” Josh leaned in conspiratorially. “I was also hoping I might get a cameo while I’m down here.”

Dom grinned and shoved him. “I knew you were just using me to get work!”

“Well, you know what they say: All’s fair in love and show business.”

“Or something like that.” Dom bumped his shoulder into Elijah’s. “What are you so quiet for?”

Elijah shrugged. “Just listening.”

“Come, I’ll introduce you guys around.” He was careful not to say, “show you around” because Elijah wouldn’t be able to see anything.

Josh timed their visit well-the cast was on lunch, so the other actors were milling around freely. Dom introduced them to everyone he could find-Josh Holloway, Evangeline, Navine, Daniel, Jorge. . . . It was a huge host of names, but Dom knew that Elijah, being the studious actor he was, would remember every name and the voice that went with it.

The one Josh was the most interested in, however, was Matt, the ruggedly handsome actor who played LOST’s leading man, Jack, opposite Evangeline.

“Josh has the hots for him,” Elijah whispered.

“How can you tell?” Dom whispered back. He wasn’t going to add that Elijah couldn’t see Josh smiling and touching Matt’s arm as they talked.

“It’s the tone of his voice. It gets deeper and he talks slower when he’s interested in someone. It’s kinda the same way your voice gets deep when you . . .” Elijah trailed off.

Dom made a noise of understanding. It had been a long time since they had been intimate, and his cock gave a twitch as if to remind him. Dom forced his attention back to the scene in front of him, if only to get his attention out of his trousers. “Have you eaten yet, Matt?”

Matt managed to tear his eyes away from Josh long enough to look at Dom. “No, not yet.”

“Do you guys want to go get something? off set?”

Matt glanced back at Josh. “Yeah, I would.”

Elijah could hear the smile in his voice.

They settled on a little café not far from the studio. It was an outdoor café, and Josh insisted they sit outside because “New York has summer once a year.”

“Well, this is a nice change from the same choice of deli sandwiches every day,” Matt said as he perused the menu.

“You’re telling me,” Dom agreed. “You’d think the catering crew could switch it up once a week.”

Elijah made a small noise to show he was listening.

Dom glanced at him and the look on his face said they should talk about something other than work. “The chicken penne looks good.”

“Ugh,” Josh said.

“You don’t like chicken penne?” Matt asked.

“Josh doesn’t eat meat,” Dom filled in.

“Just man meat,” Elijah muttered, though he was smirking.

“Funny,” Josh said. “I’ve been a vegetarian since I was 12. I was cutting chicken and I hit a tumor. Blood squirted everywhere and there was pus on my hand and the knife. It was disgusting and I haven’t eaten meat since.

“I think that would turn anyone off,” Matt said sympathetically.

The waitress interrupted to take their order. She left as quickly as she came.

“So, Matt, where are you from?” Josh asked.

“I live in Oregon.”

Josh whistled low. “I bet it’s colder there than New York.”

“Sometimes,” Matt said with a laugh. “But it’s so beautiful here, I can’t really miss home too much.”

Dom watched the exchange with a measure of amusement and displeasure. While he wanted Josh to have a good time, this outing didn’t seem to be doing anything for Elijah. Matt must have sensed his mood, because he switched his attention from Josh to Elijah.

“So, Elijah, Dom tells me you’re an actor, too.”

Elijah raised an eyebrow. “Are you fucking serious?”

Matt laughed. “Okay, you’re right, that was stupid. I’ve seen the Lord of the Rings.”

Elijah smiled tightly, but kept silent.

The other three shared pained looks.

“I don’t act anymore. Every since my accident . . .” he waved vaguely at his sunglasses. “I mean, it’s not like they’d cast me to play Frodo in film version of The Hobbit.”

“Frodo wasn’t in The Hobbit,” Josh said. “He wasn’t even born yet.”

Elijah shook his head. “I’m just saying. Even if Frodo was alive when Bilbo took off on his adventure, they still wouldn’t cast me. How could I possibly play Frodo when I can’t even see my own hands? Case in point, I couldn’t play any other role, either.”

Dom cleared his throat. “Elijah, J.J. actually mentioned having you on the show for an episode or two.”

Josh made a face of indignation, but Dom shot him a look that told him to keep his mouth shut.

Matt looked at Elijah with polite interest.

“I don’t know . . .” were the first words out of Elijah’s mouth. “Who am I going to be? The blind guy who dies as soon as they discover he’s alive?”

“Well . . . no. Since we’re supposed to be stranded on a desert island, you can wear sunglasses for the entire part. Your character isn’t blind. He’s going to be one of the ‘Others.’ Remember how I told you there’s supposed to be more people on the island that we’ve just found out about?”

“Yes,” Elijah said slowly.

“Well, you’d be one of them. Granted, your character is probably either going to die or disappear, mostly because it’s only a cameo. Although, I don’t see why they wouldn’t write you in longer if they really like your performance.”

Elijah was quiet for a moment. “I’ll think about it.”

Josh kicked him under the table.

“Ow! What the fuck was that for?”

“You need to get off your ass and get back to work!”

“Says the man on indefinite ‘vacation.’”

“I’m not afraid to work.”

“Neither am I!”

“Guys!” Dom cut in. “Can’t we just have a nice lunch without fighting? I feel like all we bloody do anymore is fight.”

“Sorry,” Josh muttered.

Thankfully, their food arrived, interrupting the awkward moment. They ate in silence for several heavy minutes. Elijah didn’t apologize, but the fact that he let the argument drop was good enough for Dom.

They finished eating and headed back to set. Josh was clearly reluctant to leave Matt. He took him to the side on the pretense of giving Dom and Elijah some alone time.

“So . . .” Dom said, shoving his hands deep into his pockets. Things between them had never been this awkward-not even when they first met in New Zealand.

Unexpectedly, Elijah pulled Dom in for a tight hug and kissed his cheek. “Thank you,” he whispered.

“For what?” Dom asked, resting his chin on Elijah’s shoulder.

“Not giving up on me.”

Before Dom could reply, Josh walked up to them. “Ready to go, Napoleon?”

Elijah pulled away from Dom. “You always were a mood killer. Guess that’s why your main gig is posing for a can of green beans. Nothing sexual about that.”

They headed off to the parking lot.

“Are they always like that?” Matt asked, watching them leave.

Dom let out a heavy sigh. “They banter, but it’s never so serious. Elijah has changed since the accident. Some days I’m not sure I still love the person he’s become.”

“Maybe you guys should try couple’s therapy?”

Dom barked out a laugh. “That’s what Josh told Elijah.”

“What did Elijah say?”

“That he doesn’t need to see a shrink. But, to be honest, if this gets any worse, I am going to need my own shrink.”

“Maybe you could try going alone first. I think having at least one of you in therapy would be beneficial to the relationship.”

“Oh, so now you think I am the crazy one?” Dom said with a grin.

“Go away,” Matt replied good-naturedly.

Dom walked away laughing. If just talking to Matt about his relationship had made him feel better, he could only imagine how much better he’d feel if he actually talked to a professional.

lotrips: blind, rating: pg-13, pairing: lotrips: domlijah, fandom: lotrips

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