English Medication (Orlijah) PG-13

Jul 26, 2011 12:20

Title: English Medication
Author: moit
Fandom: LotRiPS
Pairing: Orlijah
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance
Warnings: angst
Summary: Elijah goes to the doctor and finds he wants more than just a prescription.
Challenge: Orlijah-month
Word Count: 1213

The doctor walked in and shut the door. He smiled warmly, presenting a row of perfect, white teeth. He didn't look very old in his white lab coat.

"Hi Elijah," he said in a crisp British accent, holding out his hand. "I'm Dr. Bloom, but please, call me Orlando. 'Doctor' makes me feel so old."

Elijah shook his hand, noticing how warm his skin was. He flushed, shifting nervously on the paper-covered table.

"So, what seems to be the problem today?" Orlando asked, rolling his chair over to sit down next to Elijah.

"I get migraines. At first, it was manageable, but I'm getting them two to three times a week and it's starting to impact my life and my job."

"What do you do for a living?" Orlando asked, making some notes in Elijah's file.

"I teach twelfth grade English. I think you call it college-level in the U.K., though," Elijah said, reaching up to adjust his thick black glasses.

Orlando chuckled. "Yes, we do. And how old are you?"

"27. I know, I don't look my age at all."

"That's okay. Some people think I'm too young to be a doctor, but I'm 31."

Orlando took the stethoscope from around his neck and stood up. "Take a deep breath for me," he said, setting the bell against Elijah's chest. "And again," he said, moving the bell.

Elijah did.

Orlando stepped around the table. He placed the stethoscope against Elijah's back. "Take another deep breath."

Orlando took his stethoscope off and slung it around his neck. "Your heart and lungs sound good. I just need to check your glands." Orlando's hands were warm on Elijah's neck as he palpitated the skin around his esophagus.

Elijah had to tamp down his arousal. It had been months since he had a man, but now was not the time to get excited.

After checking Elijah's ears and eyes, Orlando sat back down with Elijah's file. "Other than the migraines, you appear to be perfectly healthy. Is there anything causing stress in your life right now?"

Elijah thought for a moment. "Not recently, but my ex--" he stopped, unsure how far he should go. Thankfully, Orlando seemed interested. "My ex moved out about a month ago, but the migraines started before he left."

"Are you openly gay?" Orlando asked. "I don't mean to pry, but the stress of one's coming out or of one's hiding his sexuality could lead to migraines."

"I've been out for years," Elijah said.

"So have I," Orlando said with a wink.

Elijah felt his stomach flip-flop.

"Do you have an idea of when the migraines started?"

"As long as I can remember, really. They've just gotten progressively worse in recent years."

Orlando nodded, making more notes. He stood up. He tore off a prescription and handed it to Elijah. "I'm prescribing you Imitrex. It's a migraine medication that generally has good results."

Elijah hopped off the table and noticed for the first time how tall Orlando was. The realization made him swoon.

"I want to see you again in a month to see how the medication is working and we'll go from there."

Elijah's brain stuttered on 'see you again,' but quickly caught up. Orlando walked him to the receptionists' desk.

"Thank you, Doc--Orlando."

"My pleasure, Elijah." Orlando patted him on the shoulder and walked back to his office.

Elijah made his way to the parking lot on cloud nine. He shut the car door and dialed his best friend.

"Dom? I'm in love."


When Elijah's next appointment rolled around, he could hardly control his excitement about seeing Orlando--Doctor Bloom--again. The Imitrex was controlling his migraines better than he'd ever been able to on his own. But in order to see Orlando again, he'd have to exaggerate the severity of his migraines.

Orlando entered the room, same bright smile, same warm handshake. Elijah fought to control hid racing heart, lest Orlando think something was wrong with him.

When he finished checking Elijah's vitals, Orlando sat down in front of him. "How is the Imitrex working?"

Elijah took a deep breath, preparing for the lie. "It worked at first, but now it's hit and miss. Sometimes it doesn't work at all."

Orlando nodded, writing this all down. "That's why I wanted to start you there. It's a lower dose that allows us to springboard to a heavier medication, if need be." He scribbled out another prescription. "If this doesn't work, I want to see you back here in two weeks instead of four."

At the reception desk, Orlando instructed Elijah be scheduled for two appointments, one in two weeks, and another in four. If he needed two, he could come back early, otherwise they could wait a month.

Elijah had no intention of waiting a month to see Orlando again. Two weeks later, he drove back to the clinic.

He and Orlando went through the usual routine.

But when Orlando sat down, he said, "Elijah, why are you really here? The new medication I prescribed is for the heaviest migraine sufferers. You should have needed at least a month to see if it was working."

Elijah twisted his hands together. "I just had to see you again. Truthfully, the Imitrex took care of my migraines."

Orlando sighed. "Elijah, you're my patient. To allow you to continue this would be not only unprofessional, but unethical." He ripped off another prescription and handed it to Elijah. "This should be all you need."

Elijah clenched the slip in his fist. Tears stinging his eyes, he walked out of the office without saying anything to anyone. More than anything, he was embarrassed beyond belief. How could he have been so stupid? What could a doctor possibly want with an English teacher? Even if he was gay . . .

It wasn't until Elijah went to start his car that he realized he was still holding the prescription Orlando--Doctor Bloom--gave him. He almost tossed it out the window, but something told him not to. He unfolded it and his breath caught.

On the paper, Orlando had written his personal phone number. I get off at 17:30, the note said.

Elijah was torn between disbelief and elation. Surely, Orlando wouldn't do this as a joke? Nevertheless, he waited three full days before he called.

On the fifth ring, Elijah considered hanging up. "Hello?" At the sound of that accent, Elijah felt his knees grow weak.

He cleared his throat. "Hello, Orlando. This is Elijah. Elijah Wood."

"Elijah." He could hear the smile in Orlando's voice. "I'm really glad you called. I was afraid you might not."

"Well, I have to admit, at first I was afraid you were pulling my leg."

"Not at all!" Orlando said, sounding genuine. "But you've got to understand: I really cannot violate the professional relationship I have with my patients. However, when you call me at home, that's a different story.

Elijah smiled, but stayed quiet, unsure what to say.

Orlando filled the empty space for him. "Elijah, will you go to dinner with me tomorrow night?"

"I'd love to," Elijah answered.

They worked out the details and hung up.

Elijah never would have thought he'd get the doctor with his prescription.

rating: pg-13, challenge: orlijah_month, fandom: lotrips, pairing: lotrips: orlijah

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