Playing Rough (Frodo/Aragorn) PG-13

Jun 12, 2010 15:22

Title: Playing Rough
Author: Moit
Summary: Frodo and Aragorn play "defenceless hobbit and the big bad Ranger."
Pairing: Frodo/Aragorn
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Yaoi/Slash, Romance, Consent Play, Comedy
Challenge: Kink Bingo 2010, Consent Play
Author's Note: This is for claudia603 who wanted to see Aragorn and Frodo play "defenceless hobbit and the big bad Ranger," which I mentioned in The Rhythm of Raindrops.

“Get back over here, you,” Aragorn growled, grabbing Frodo about the ankle, pulling him backwards.

Giggling, Frodo allowed himself to be dragged back across the enormous bed.

“I should think a hobbit in a predicament such as yours would be of more ill humour,” Aragorn said, stroking the heel of the foot he held with his thumb.

Using Aragorn’s momentary distraction to his advantage, Frodo pulled his foot free and rolled over so he was now facing the Man. Aragorn stalked forward, crawling onto the bed.

“You’ll never out-run me, little hobbit.”

Frodo’s breath quickened, but not from fear, although he did his best to appear afraid.

“Please,” he whimpered, pouting his bottom lip. “I am just a simple hobbit from the Shire. I know nothing of the ways of men!”

“I can assure you, you’ll know plenty when I’m finished with you.”

Aragorn crawled forward until the hobbit was completely beneath him. He trailed a fingertip down Frodo’s fair cheek before tilting the hobbit’s chin upward.

“Such fair skin you have, Master Hobbit. Are you sure you’ve never been touched?”

Frodo’s lip curled. He swung both of his hands, which were tightened into fists, but Aragorn caught his wrists easily.

“I would certainly never let a Man touch me!”

This time Aragorn smiled, it was genuine mirth. “Well, now, look where you’ve gotten yourself, Master Hobbit.”

Aragorn pinned Frodo’s wrists over the hobbit’s head, transferring them to a single large hand.

“I could just bind you, you know.”

Frodo bit his lip. Oh, how he loved it when Aragorn tied him up. He struggled half-heartedly against Aragorn’s hand.

“Bind me if you must. I shall not willingly take the punishment you offer!”

“Have it your way, then, little hobbit.”

Aragorn dragged him by the wrists up to the wooden headboard, which had many slats to which one could be tied. He produced from his belt a length of silken rope (he did not want to hurt Frodo, of course) and effectively tied the hobbit’s wrists to the headboard.

Frodo tested the knots experimentally.

“I told you you’re not going anywhere,” Aragorn said, watching with hooded eyes and Frodo tested his bonds.

“I’m not surprised a Man would have to tie down a small hobbit just to have his way.”

“I’m sure you’ll get your way, too, Master Hobbit.” Aragorn said, releasing the first few buttons of Frodo’s weskit.

The hobbit shifted his hips, bringing Aragorn’s attention to the noticeable erection in Frodo’s breeches.

“Do I excite you, little hobbit?” the Man asked, brushing his knuckles gently against the ridge.

“N-n-no,” Frodo stammered.

“Ahh, but this tells a different story,” Aragorn countered, running his calloused fingers more firmly over the hardening shaft.

Frodo bit down harder on his bottom lip.

“Have you nothing to say, then?

Frodo shook his head, his chest rising and falling to the harsh rhythm of his breaths. His bound hands clenched and unclenched uselessly.

Aragorn tugged at Frodo’s breeches and then frowned as though he had never seen the fastenings of braces before. He unsheathed a small knife at his hip (a gesture that made Frodo’s breath catch in his throat) and cut the leather braces free from Frodo’s trousers.

Frodo squawked indignantly. “Those were my-”

However, Aragorn cut him off with a hand over his mouth. “Do I need to gag you?”

Frodo shook his head, eyes wide and dilated with arousal.

“Then be quiet, or I will.”

Aragorn’s eyes looked serious, but Frodo could see the smile playing at the corner of his lips. Satisfied, Aragorn slid down Frodo’s body, freeing him of his breeches and pants in one move. Frodo’s erection sprang up, nearly smacking Aragorn in the face.

Frodo blushed deeply. It was getting difficult to keep the charade up.

Aragorn smirked, but made no comment. He reached down, but instead of handling Frodo’s erection, his hand slid past the hobbit’s bollocks and the Man inhaled sharply as his finger slid smoothly inside.

“You little slut.”

“I’m not a slut!” Frodo countered indignantly.

Aragorn raised an eyebrow. “Then what do you call this?” he pulled his finger out and replaced it with two.

Frodo let out an almighty howl, bucking his hips into Aragorn’s hand. As Aragorn leaned down to take Frodo into his mouth, the door to their bedroom flew open, revealing two of the Tower Guards.

“King Elessar, we heard screaming!”

Their eyes fell on the sight before them: the King’s Ringbearer tied to the bed, his shirt and weskit unbuttoned, his trousers missing. Their King was fully dressed in his old Ranger clothes, down to the Elvin cloak. His mouth was hovering dangerously close to Master Frodo’s straining erection.

Red-faced and embarrassed, the Guards made a hasty retreat.

Aragorn collapsed in a fit of laughter on the bed next to Frodo.

“I don’t see what’s so very funny here, Aragorn. I am the one tied up with his bits on display!”

“And such nice bits, they are,” Aragorn said, recovering enough to stroke Frodo’s wilting erection gently.

“Untie me. I’m not in the mood anymore.”

“Come now, love. It was a mistake. Besides, they are gone now. Don you not think being caught will add to the scene? The sweet, innocent hobbit actually being at the mercy of this Ranger-turned-King?”

“No!” Frodo shouted, struggling against his bonds. “Now, untie me, or I shall revoke your love-making privileges for a month.”

Begrudgingly, Aragorn cut the rope holding Frodo’s wrists.

Scowling, the hobbit carefully lowered himself off the too-tall bed (he needed a stool to get onto it) and pulled his breeches on.

“Next time you want to play ‘the big bad Ranger and the defenceless hobbit,’ I suggest you lock the door!”

He stormed out of the room, holding his breeches in one hand to keep them up without braces.

Aragorn fell back onto the bed with a great sigh, leggings tight and uncomfortable.

fandom: lotr, rating: pg-13, challenge: kink bingo 2010, pairing: lotr: frodo/aragorn

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