Пришла рассылка о молодежной астрошколе (Умань, Украина). Объявления получаю ежегодно, но никогда не был. Вдруг, кому будет интересно, хотя меня смущает отсутствие сайта у конференции, надо писать напрямую организаторам. Но всегда радовала эмблема из первого сообщения, взятая из набора открыток "Созвездия" из детства:
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Aviation University
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University
XX International scientific conference
Astronomical School of Young Scientists
Ukraine, Uman, May, 23 - 24, 2018
The conference is organized by Department of Aerospace Geodesy of National Aviation University, Department of Natural Sciences and Geogra-phy and Department of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics of Pavlo Ty-chyna Uman State Pedagogical University with the support of Ukrainian Astronomical Association.
Scientific topics:
1.Problems of cosmology and cosmogony.
2.Physics of Solar system bodies.
3.Structure and evolution of stars and stellar systems.
4.Astrodynamics, navigation, satellite geodesy and gravimetry.
5.Geographic information systems and aerospace remote sensing.
6.Astronautics and dynamics of variable mass bodies.
7.Earth sciences (geodesy, geography, geodynamics, geoecology).
8.Didactics in physics, mathematics, geography and natural sciences.
Astronomical School aims to promote scientific research of students and post-graduate students in natural and mathematical sciences (astronomy, space exploration, geodesy, geoinformatics, geography, geoecology) and to propagate knowledge that forms the scientific view of the world. Young sci-entists submit their researches to the scientific committee of the Astronomi-cal School. Astronomical expert council considers these scientific works and recommends them to be published in leading scientific journals.
Participation is open to university professors, post-graduate students, teachers, students and pupils. They should submit abstracts and registration forms by e-mail until May 15, 2018 to the address of scientific committee. Program and abstracts will be published prior to beginning of the confer-ence. Abstracts are allowed in Ukrainian, Russian or English. Abstracts size is up to 1 page. Scientific papers will be published in the “Astronomical School’s Report” journal, which is indexed by academic databases: Index Copernicus, NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS), Google Scholar, Universal Impact Factor. Deadline for submission of materials to the “As-tronomical School’s Report” is until August 1, 2018. Invited reports (lec-tures) must be up to 16 pages, all the others - up to 8 pages.
See for details:
http://astro.nau.edu.ua/author/instructions.html Scientific organizing committee: O.Zheleznyak (co-chairman),V.Zakhozhay (co-chairman),A.Tereshchenko (scientific secretary)
Scientific committee S.Andrievsky (Ukraine),I.Andronov (Ukraine),members: O.Braslavska (Ukraine),A.Chernin (Russia),
P.Flin (Poland),A.Guliev (Azerbaijan),H.Ibadinov (Tajikistan),V.Ivchenko (Ukraine),A.Konovalenko (Ukraine), O.Krivov (Germany),M.Marov (Russia),M.Mishchenko (USA),S.Ninkovic (Serbia),S.Nuritdinov (Uzbekistan),I.Tkachenko (Ukraine),А.Vidmachenko (Ukraine),Y.Yatskiv (Ukraine),P.Zazulyak (Ukraine),
Local committee: O.Bezlyudnyi (chairman), T.Makhometa (vice-chairman),V.Mykolaiko (vice-chairman), S.Polovka, L.Zaporozhets,S.Tereshchuk (secretary)
Conference will be held at:
Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University Sadova str. 2, Uman, Cherkassy region, Ukraine, 20300
Phone +38 (097) 516-65-65 (Makhometa Tetiana Mykolayivna) +38 (097) 871-85-90 (Mikolaiko Valerii Pavlovych)
E-mail: tetianamakhometa@gmail.com, mikolaiko@i.ua
Address of scientific committee:
Department of Aerospace Geodesy, National Aviation University, Cosmo-naut Komarov Avenue 1, Building 3, Room 524, Kyiv, 03058, Ukraine
Phone: +38 (044) 406-79-95
E-mail: oleg_zheleznyak@yahoo.com, ter_andrew@yahoo.com
Preliminary conference program
23.05.2018 1100 Opening of the conference
1200-1700 Plenary session
24.05.2018 1000-1100 Plenary session
1100-1800 Section sessions, summing up the conference
Registration Form
Name of participant ___________________________________________
Institution, address ___________________________________________
Position ____________________________________________________
Phone _____________________________________________________
E-mail _____________________________________________________