Myyyy mooouff iiiis viiibraaaatiiiiing waaaaaaoooo haahaahaa

Dec 15, 2010 20:07

Dude. I don't mean to be a shill or anything, but the Philips' Sonicare Toothbrush is awesome. It's got a bunch of different modes (quick clean, gum massage, MAXIMUM CLEAN, and a thing where you can tell it to ramp up the intensity slowly over your first two weeks if you find that a vibrating mouth takes a little getting used to), and pre-programmed brushing routines that beep helpfully when it's time to switch to a different part of your mouth. Plus, once you're done, you take off the brush head and stick it in a special compartment to UV STERILIZE IT. I feel like I'm brushing with SCIENCE! now, and suddenly brushing my teeth actually seems like a lot of fun.

(Also, talking while your mouth is vibrating at a high pitch is really entertaining. But of course, only someone really juvenile would enjoy that. Orrrr try it several times to see what sorts of funny voices they could make. Um.)

geekery, epic squeeeeee, lulz, fangirling so hard, food nom nom, shiny things

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