White noise stuffs.

Nov 15, 2010 00:23

If anyone's interested in what I tried for white noise last night, check out Rainy Mood. It's a link I got from some friends a few months back and I managed to dig it up again while hunting for white noise options. I opened three tabs of it to layer the sound, which made it loud enough that I didn't have to turn my crappy speakers up. (My speakers tend to add fuzz if the volume knob is turned up to any kind of reasonable volume. The barrier is like 3/9 on the knob. It's ridiculous.) I'm a big fan of rain, and this worked pretty well for me last night. I could still hear my neighbour's snoring, but it wasn't so bad I couldn't sleep.

I'm also going to try the "White Noise and Heartbeat and Atmospherics (Seamless Loop)" from this site, but I'll try it on a night where I don't have work the next morning. I suspect that any white noise that ebbs in and out will mean too much silence in which to hear snoring -- the rain is probably better for that, since it's continuous -- but it's worth experimenting to see.


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