
May 17, 2010 15:41

When I was originally looking at juice substitutes for dealing with my diabetes, I looked at Vitaminwater but ultimately passed it by because at that time (I think maybe they've changed the labels as a result of being sued; see below) their bottles didn't provide nutritional information on them anywhere.

Well, Kevin (harald387) tried some Vitaminwater for the first time today and was surprised that it filled him up the same way pop had, so he was pretty pleased by this "healthy alternative". I remembered wanting actual nutritional info and all when I saw it in the grocery store, so I just went online and dug it up. Turns out you can't even get it from the Glaceau (the company that makes Vitaminwater) website. I had to go to a calorie counting reference site! And along the way, I found some news stories that confirmed what I was starting to get suspicious about:

Vitaminwater contains about the same amount of sugar as pop. It is just as bad for you as pop, and in fact the company is being sued for marketing it as a health alternative.

I know there are a few of you on my f-list who are really into Vitaminwater, and since the nutritional information is hard to find (deliberately so, I'd bet), I'm not sure if this is something you knew, so I thought I'd point it out.

EDIT: And hey, while we're at it, did you know that chocolate milk has drop per drop double the calories and double the sugar of Coca Cola? Even 2% milk has just under the same sugar and calorie content as soda pop. Because, y'know, milk is for babies who need an incredible amount of energy to grow. I mean, yah, it's also full of calcium, and that's good for you, but as an adult you're probably better off taking a calcium supplement and not drinking the milk. Thanks to the Dairy Board promoting it as super healthy for generations, though, most people don't know. Surprise!

adventures in neuroticism, rantypants, food nom nom

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