Sep 27, 2016 17:09
Hey you, to whom it may concern, what's up?
If you're just passing through, or looking me up, or maybe you took a wrong turn at Google, but whatever, leave me something while you're here.
A quote, or a song lyric, or a picture, or something you've been thinking about lately, or a story idea or a poem. Whatever, just whatever's in your head, I kinda wanna know about it.
This is mostly to give me possible writing prompts for things, but also for all of you. If anyone sees something cool and wants to do something with it, go for it.
ALSO. I give blanket permission to anyone who wants to podfic anything I've written. Same goes for art or remix or fanmix or ebook or...whatever. Go for it, just let me know! ETA 7/11/12: Please keep whatever work you create within fandom and fandom only, because The Man just seriously brings me down.