Yes, Virginia...there *IS* life outside of Deviant Art!
Aug 04, 2009 22:19
(I have some awesome creative folks on my FList, so I figured I'd share the fruits of my obsessiveness.)
In a fit of sleeplessness the other night, I decided to make a list of places on the web where a small-time artist could get the word out about his/her work. Not the $250-a-year-we'll-host-your-virtual-gallery sites, but the free (or cheap) communities/blog hosts/online galleries/social networking sites/etc where one can post pictures of artings and such. I also included sites on the list where one can sell work with single digit (at most) commissions paid to the marketplace.
I should note that I put this list together for my own self interest for the sort of things that I create. There are a lot of other sites out there that are focused on prose, music, digital art, photography, etc that I didn't list. Since I'm making this a public post and encouraging people to link to/use the list, feel free to add comments suggesting sites that I missed and I'll add them on.