Despite a certain degree of jingoistic taint to the journalism ("War on Terror." Ugh. Can we please abolish this blort of doublespeak?), I found the subject matter of this piece fascinating. Not really for the whole "war effort" take on the project, but rather, for the way that something so simple addresses community needs on different levels. By gathering together to cut coupons and create packages, the seniors are able to feel connected to something larger and that they’re contributing. Everyone wants to feel that they’re valuable and vital, so such events help combat the isolation and depression that is common among seniors. At the same time, their efforts are actually helping cash strapped families and on a more macro scale, the movement of spending is good for the economy.
For all of the showy patriotism that we’ve seen in the wake of 9/11, THIS is what our country needs. Not trendy flag waving and hatefully venomous and divisive rhetoric prattle from FOX "News"...we need more community building. Neighbors helping neighbors and the sharing of time/resources/skills are what will strengthen us as a nation.
There’s a
wonderful poster on the wall at
Mo’s that I want to share with all of you (the same company also makes a
more global version, too). I know I that I often fall short of these things...but every week, I look at the poster and try to do one or more before I see the poster again the next Friday.
Turn off your TV
Leave your house
Know your neighbors
Look up when you are walking
Greet people
Sit on your stoop
Plant flowers
Use your library
Play together
Buy from local merchants
Share what you have
Help a lost dog
Take children to the park
Garden together
Support neighborhood schools
Fix it even if you didn't break it
Have pot lucks
Honor elders
Pick up litter
Read stories aloud
Dance in the street
Talk to the mail carrier
Listen to the birds
Put up a swing
Help carry something heavy
Barter for your goods
Start a tradition
Ask a question
Hire young people for odd jobs
Organize a block party
Bake extra and share
Ask for help when you need it
Open your shades
Sing together
Share your skills
Take back the night
Turn up the music
Turn down the music
Listen before you react to anger
Mediate a conflict
Seek to understand
Learn from new and uncomfortable angles
Know that no one is silent though many are not heard. Work to change this.