Jan 26, 2007 20:50
Leave your name in the comments and I'll 'interview' you. Then you go and post your answers as a new entry, so all your friends can learn all about you!
1. Would you get me arrested if I licked you?
Hm, let me think. No. Of course not. I'd probably lick back ...
2. Worst thing you've ever done drunk.
... Let's just say that cheetos do not constitute as having something in your stomach, and industrial carpet can be very hard to clean without some sort of carpet steamer or that sawdusty stuff custodians put down that soaks stuff up.
3. Best late night telly show.
If we're talking telly that's acutally on where I am, then I'd have to say it's a three way tie between Robot Chicken, Family Guy and ATHF. If we're talking telly that I watch on the internet because the Brits won't give it to us yet (*INSERT POUT HERE*), then I would cry emphatically, TORCHWOOD, DAMNIT.
4. Best way to eat pudding is ...
Hehehehehehe. XD *tries to look innocent* Um. Um, personally, I don't like anything between me and the pudding, but I will usually use a spoon.
5. Labs night, good, bad, or ugly?
Aw, almost always good, especially if my favorite friends are there! (Which, considering it's a Labs!Night, it would be impossible for them not to be. >_> )