Apr 12, 2008 11:47
I'm doing much better, thank everything. The show's becoming an actual show, which is nice, although it's 10 out of 12 today and it's gonna be looooooong. Yar. But I like the work, and the cast and crew, so far, rock my socks. Plus, the musical's pretty cool.
So, that whole tax issue that I emoed about the other day? Yeah. That was a combination of me being tired and reading email at 2 in the morning and my mother wording things in emails very badly. Basically, she wrote me an email that said "I hope you can pay your taxes when you get them; we have to find a way to pay $2000+ in the next week." I took that to mean we as in she and I because I owe a ton of money for some mysterious reason. She actually meant I have to find the $130 I owe, because she and my stepdad owe $2000+ in taxes this year.
I blame her. XD
Needless to say, I called her to panic at her the next day and she promptly started laughing at me ... After which I relievedly laughed at the entire situation. It turns out I do have to pay some (admittedly, it looks like a LOT less after living a day under the threat of somehow paying two grand), but I'm gonna get, like, 700 back, so I come out on top in the end. Which is sweet. So crisis very much averted.
Otherwise, everything's sort of settling back to good. I hope everyone else is doing well, because things are starting to look up. Yesterday wasn't that great, but hey, it was better than owing $2500 to the feds.
Oh, and Obama's starting to look like he might just be pulling ahead in PA possibility. W00T.
good times,
money sucks,