I feel like I'm not accomplishing anything these days. I am in a sort of limbo; going to work, reading, listening to music. It's all very passive. I'm not doing anything.
I haven't touched my camera in a while, and I miss it. I just don't have much inspiration these days, so I pass the time trying things I wouldn't normally do. But I feel my heart isn't really in it.
My latest photoshoot was for the first auto-produced EP of a small French metal band:
Abhcan . It was a good experience to have 5 people model for me at once. It wasn't easy to coordinate them! And they had very specific needs, so I wasn't totally free. But it was interesting, and it actually helped me find the kind of photos I really want to make.
Now I am trying to motivate myself to do things, but it's hard. I have a project with one of the guys from Abhcan: we're going to mix some of his portraits (drawings) and my photos. The model is a girl studying to become a ballet dancer. I wonder how that's going to work.
I am such a loner when it comes to photography! I like making all the decisions, so I wonder how I'm going to deal with the constraints of our projects. Photography has always been the one part of my life I don't organize at all, the one part that's totally free.
But working with someone else is a good challenge for me, and I think that's exactly what I need now: an outside influence to make me do things.