Downton Abbey - Robert and Mattew

Jun 08, 2012 20:26

Inspired by Eolivet I've opened this topic up for discussion!
I think through all this conjecture sparkling off ideas and Matthew being my favorite character it was only a matter of time before I came across this question regarding his relationship with Robert.
Matthew is Robert's heir, they can't escape this relationship even if its how they are most defined, by a future business arrangement in a sense. But this bond does become something more. Robert's praise of Matthew in early season one leads Mary to weep and wail about her father having found the son he never had, she feels the sting of his affection having found this new outlet. Robert is by the more openly warm person in the relationship; he calls Matthew "my dear boy" and worries about and for him, even confessing to Bates that he loves him. Robert sincerity when he offers help is that of a father figure or mentor and for Matthew's part he wants nothing but to please him while still maintaining his independence.
Is Matthew uncomfortable with attention from anybody or just certain people, or certain scenarios? There is another interesting facet of his personality, a snapshot. When he says "I have to be myself" who is he? With his mother he doesn't mind receiving attention, but they have a close knit relationship. Besides Isobel is so strong willed there is no denying her. My first notion regarding this is when Dr. Clarkson admits his mistake and Isobel who has been STARING at her son never breaking from gazing at him finally moves to embrace him saying, "My darling boy" and Matthew does not try to stop her or down play the scene it chokes me up every time because he seems to relish it and need it as much as she does, I mean Lavinia moves out of the way and is still almost pushed by her actions.
So, while he may allow Isobel and his comfortable with her anything else is overload because she has it covered, what she provides is more than enough. Once overwhelmed Matthew overreacts and retreats? Does this make sense?
With Robert he can’t seem to accept to truly reciprocate as much as he would like to. I’m always so captivated by Zombie Matthew who walks with his cane so utterly broken up to Downton Abbey. The way Robert conveys not only with his words reaching out but by physically touching him offering comfort to him in addition to this. The look on Matthew’s face as they part is phenomenal because he seems so desperate like a child would look at a parent and Robert can’t offer anything else then he has already, so he simply watches Matthew slowly retreat away. I wonder if Matthew may confuse this attention with pity and therefore not want it placed on him, in attention to his own self imposed guilt following Lavinia’s death. But in 2.04 (At the Concert) and 2.06 (I think of nothing else) in addition to this scene Robert shows his open affection to Matthew and Matthew’s resistance or down playing of the situation. Their conversation in 2.02 where Robert asks Matthew what he saw at the hospital is one of the only times I can think of where Matthew openly responds and bares what is on his mind to him. Is this because it is soldier to soldier? After all Matthew takes on William at Robert’s suggestion and they get along very well together, chatting and providing kinship so strong that William sacrifices himself for Matthew’s sake.
Oh if only we could see what Robert’s original letter said to Matthew!
And Robert and Matthew’s first meeting in London. Who would be more nervous? What would they talk of?
Just some wonderful topics I’ve been batting around and am curious about debating further!!
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