Okay. Before I have a hissy fit, Im going to step back and take a breath and NOT throw my laptop out of the window. I officially hate work placement application forms. They're so long and ask ridiculous questions like 'if you had a superpower what would it be?' and with an unreliable internet connection that keeps crashing on me meaning I have to fill in the forms over and over, its not good for my stress levels. If I didn't have to get a job to clothe and shoe my future children I'd really have given up already. Fuck it, they can run round barefoot.
I will try again tomorrow.
In other news I may have given up my dream to go travelling after my studies in order to get a 2009 training contract. The weird thing is it seems to be making the most sense to me right now. Maybe I am growing up.
I have done very little but try to work in the past week. Apart from a wonderful christmas party on Saturday night that started with tapas, went right through roast chicken dinner and a tayto fight and ended in this:
What a face. It did include me wearing my fabulous new dress though which awesome.
Since then I have done very little apart from an exam today which was less of an exam and more of an exercise into how to use a dictionary. Always a joy.
I can't believe I'm home for Christmas in FIVE DAYS. Its going to be amazing. Its strange because I always miss people more in the run up to seeing them. I don't know why.
I have a lot to fit in the next few days. Tomorrow I'm going to get a lot of my Christmas shopping done and then cinema to see the new Audrey Tautou on Thursday and ice skating on Friday and packing on Saturday. Busy busy busy.
A la prochaine!
Bisous xxx