American Civil War 1861-1865. Part 2. По фронтам (разные места)

Sep 29, 2014 13:28

February 1864. "Brandy Station, Virginia. Tent of A. Foulke, sutler, 1st Brigade, Horse Artillery."

April 1864. "Brandy Station, Virginia. Major William Riddle and friends. Headquarters, Army of the Potomac."

January 1, 1863. "Contrabands coming into camp -- arrival of Negro family in the Union lines." This image, half of a stereograph pair, was turned into a sketch by the artist Alfred Waud and appeared in the Jan. 31, 1863, issue of Harper's Weekly over the caption "An arrival in Camp -- under the Proclamation of Emancipation."

April 1864. "Brandy Station, Virginia. Gen. Rufus Ingalls on horseback. Photograph from the main Eastern theater of war -- winter quarters at Brandy Station." Wet plate glass negative by Timothy H. O'Sullivan.

February 1864. Brandy Station, Virginia. Secret Service officers at Army of the Potomac winter headquarters: Col. George H. Sharpe, John G. Babcock, unidentified and Lt. Col. John McEntee. 8x10 glass-plate negative from a collection compiled by Hirst Milhollen and Donald Mugridge.

May 1864. "North Anna River, Virginia. Pontoon bridge across North Anna below railroad bridge where a portion of the 2nd Corps under Gen. Hancock crossed, May 23d."

May 1864. North Anna River, Virginia. "Soldiers bathing. Ruins of Richmond & Fredericksburg railroad bridge in the distance." Wet plate glass negative, left half of stereo pair, by Timothy H. O'Sullivan. Library of Congress.

May 25, 1864. North Anna River, Virginia. Destroyed bridge of the Richmond & Fredericksburg Railroad

February 1863. "Aquia Creek Landing, Virginia. Group of Commissary clerks." Wet plate glass negative by Alexander Gardner.

Prince William County, Virginia. "Along Bull Run near Sudley Church. March 1862." Each of the dozen or so sticks lined up in front of the boys marks a grave. Wet plate glass negative by George N. Barnard.

November 1864. Aiken's Landing, Virginia. "Army of the James. Convalescent colored troops at Aiken's Landing. A.M. Aiken's house at right."

Aquia Creek Landing, Virginia, circa 1863. "Federal Army. Clerks of the Commissary Depot by railroad car and packing cases." A somewhat unsettling scene. Wet plate glass negative by Alexander Gardner.

February 1863. "Captain J.W. Forsyth, provost marshal, Aquia Creek, Virginia." An army marches on its stomach, and the stomach's boots are made of dough. Or something like that. Wet plate glass negative.

May 14, 1862. Cumberland Landing, Virginia. "Group of contrabands [runaway slaves] at Foller's house." Photographs from the main Eastern theater of war: The Peninsular Campaign, May-August 1862. Wet-plate glass negative, half of stereograph pair.

November 1863. Culpeper, Virginia (vicinity). "Contrabands [runaway slaves]." The man on the right is identified in this photo dated October 1863 in Bealeton, Va., as "John Henry, servant, at headquarters, 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac." Wet plate glass negative by Timothy H. O'Sullivan. Photographs from the main Eastern theater of war, General Meade in Virginia.

September 1863. Culpeper, Virginia. "Dr. Irwin of Excelsior Brigade in front of tent." Charles K. Irwin of the 72nd New York Infantry.

August 1862. "Culpeper Court House, Virginia. Federal soldiers and wounded Negro." Wet-plate glass negative by Timothy H. O'Sullivan.

August 1862. "Culpeper Court House, Virginia. Railroad depot." Photographs from the main Eastern theater of war, Bull Run, second Battle of Bull Run. Wet plate negative, half of stereo pair, by Timothy O'Sullivan.

August 1863. "Bealeton, Virginia. Army of the Potomac headquarters. Captain Henry Page, Assistant Quartermaster." Seen here a few weeks ago minus his two-legged friend. Wet plate glass negative.

August 1863. Bealeton, Virginia. "Capt. Henry Page, assistant quartermaster, at Army of Potomac headquarters with horse." Wet plate glass negative.

October 1863. Bealeton, Virginia. "John Henry, servant, at headquarters, 3d Army Corps, Army of the Potomac." Wet-plate glass negative.

Circa 1865. "Signalmen of Rear Admiral John A. Dahlgren's flagship receiving a message from the Georgia shore." Wet plate glass negative.

Circa 1864-65. "Powder monkey by gun of U.S.S. New Hampshire, Federal depot ship off Charleston, South Carolina." Wet plate glass negative.

Circa 1865. "Wagons and camera of Sam A. Cooley, U.S. photographer, Department of the South." Wet plate glass negative.

May 1862. "Yorktown, Virginia (vicinity). Group before the photographic tent at Camp Winfield Scott." From photographs of the Peninsular Campaign, May-August 1862. Wet plate glass negative by James F. Gibson.

Yorktown, Virginia (vicinity), circa 1865. "Federal troops at Confederate winter quarters near Yorktown."

1862. "Yorktown, Virginia. Headquarters of Sarg. Gabriel. Dr. Grant & Chaplain Jones H. Dwight of French's Brigade. 66th New York Infantry -- 'Governor's Guards'." Wet collodion glass plate negative.

Йорктаун, штат Вирджиния, погрузка на корабль. Фото с главной сцены войны - Кампании на полуострове (май-август 1962 г.) (LOC)

Офицеры первой тяжелой артиллерии Коннектикута подготавливают к бою 13-дюймовые минометы Федеральной батареи №4 возле Йорктауна, штат Вирджиния, май 1862.

Перевозка миномета по железной дороге под Петербургом, штат Вирджиния.

1865. "Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. View of Maryland Heights at confluence of Shenandoah and Potomac rivers." Wet plate glass negative (detail) by James Gardner. Civil War glass negative collection, Library of Congress.

"Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. View of town; confluence of Potomac and Shenandoah rivers; railroad bridge in ruins." Battle of Harpers Ferry, September 1862. Wet plate glass negative by C.O. Bostwick.

Winter of 1861-1862. Federal cavalry at Sudley Ford, Virginia, following the battle of First Bull Run (July 1861).

Bull Run, Virginia, winter 1862-63. "Ruins of railroad bridge at Blackburn's Ford." From photographs of the main Eastern theater of the war, Second Battle of Bull Run (Battle of Second Manassas). Wet plate glass negative.

April 1865. "Workmen in front of the Government [Wagon] Trimming Shop." Civil War archive, wet plate glass negative.

Virginia circa 1864. "Chapin's Bluff. Fort Burnham, formerly Confederate Fort Harrison, near James River." Wet plate glass negative.

1864. "Fort Burnham, Virginia, formerly Confederate Fort Harrison, near James River. Encampment and earthworks." Wet plate glass negative.

"Fort Burnham, Virginia, the former Confederate Fort Harrison. Federal soldiers in front of bomb-proof headquarters." Photographs from the main Eastern theater of war, the Army of the James, June 1864-April 1865. Wet plate glass negative, half of stereo pair, photographer unknown.

1864. "James River, Virginia. Monitor U.S.S. Onondaga; soldiers in rowboat. From photographs of the Federal Navy, and seaborne expeditions against the Atlantic Coast of the Confederacy." Wet plate glass negative.

1862. On the James River in Virginia. "Effect of Confederate shot on Federal ironclad Galena." Wet plate glass negative by James F. Gibson.

July 9, 1862. "James River, Virginia. Sailors relaxing on deck of the U.S.S. Monitor." From photographs of the Federal Navy and seaborne expeditions against the Atlantic Coast of the Confederacy, 1861-1865.

Корабль «Стоунуолл» был построен в Бордо, Франция, и весил 1390 тонн

Март 1863 года, эсминец «Эссекс»

July 9, 1862. Deck and turret of U.S.S. Monitor on the James River, Virginia. From photographs of the Federal Navy, and seaborne expeditions against the Atlantic Coast of the Confederacy. Wet collodion glass negative, left half of stereo pair. Photographed by James F. Gibson.

May 1864. "Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia. Dead Confederate soldier near Mrs. Alsop's house." Wet-plate glass negative by Timothy H. O'Sullivan. Photos from Grant's Wilderness Campaign, May-June 1864.

June 1863. Fairfax Courthouse, Virginia. Capt. J.B. Howard, Office of Assistant Quartermaster, Army of the Potomac.

June 1863 Gettysburg Campaign. Fairfax Court House, Virginia. Capt. J.B. Howard, Office of Assistant Quartermaster, and group at headquarters, Army of the Potomac.

Nov. 19, 1863. Dedication of Monument at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

July 1863. "Gettysburg, Pa. Three captured Confederate soldiers, likely from Louisiana, pose for Mathew Brady on Seminary Ridge following the Battle of Gettysburg." Wet plate glass negative, half of stereograph pair.

Circa 1864. "Dr. Bunnell's embalming establishment in the field. Army of the James." Wet-plate glass negative, half of stereograph pair.

1863. "Hanover Junction, Pennsylvania. Passenger train at depot." From photographs of the main Eastern theater of war, Gettysburg, June-July 1863. Wet plate glass negative by Mathew Brady or his assistant.

April 1865. "James River, Virginia. View of the completed Dutch Gap canal." From photos of the main Eastern theater of war, the Army of the James, June 1864- April 1865. Wet-plate glass negative, photographer unknown.

November 1864. "Dutch Gap, Virginia. Bomb-proof quarters of Major Strong." Wet plate glass negative from photographs of the main Eastern theater of war, the Army of the James, June 1864-April 1865.

November 1864. "Dutch Gap, Virginia. Picket station of Colored troops, deserted farmhouse near Dutch Gap canal." Wet plate glass negative.


September 1862. Antietam, Maryland. Confederate dead by a fence on the Hagerstown road.

Sepetember 1862. Antietam, Maryland. "Confederate soldier who after being wounded had evidently dragged himself to a little ravine on the hillside where he died." Wet plate glass negative by Alexander Gardner.

"Soldier group, Federal Army." Circa 1865 wet-plate glass negative, location and photographer unknown. Library of Congress Civil War collection.

February 1864. Brandy Station, Virginia. "Headquarters, Army of the Potomac. Lt. Chas W. Wolsey with horse." Wet-plate glass negative.

Circa 1861-1865. "Unknown location. Embalming surgeon at work on soldier's body. From photographs of artillery, place and date unknown." Wet plate glass negative, photographer unknown. Library of Congress.

July 1864. "Broadway Landing, Virginia. Surgeons of 4th Division, 9th Army Corps, in front of Petersburg." Main Eastern theater of war, the siege of Petersburg. Wet plate glass negative, photographer unknown.

May 30, 1864. "Port Royal, Virginia. The Rappahannock River front during the evacuation." Photograph from the main Eastern theater of war, Grant's Wilderness Campaign. Wet plate negative by Timothy O'Sullivan.

Лагерь батареи Теннеси во время осады Виксбурга в Джонсонвилле в 1864 году. (AP Photo, Library of Congress)

Федеральный лагерь на реке Памунки, Вирджиния, в мае 1862 года. (Alexander Gardner, LOC)

Лагерь пехоты на равнине Белле, штат Вирджиния, в марте 1862 года, через три недели после Сражения при Чанселорсвилле. (AP Photo, Library of Congress)

Пленные мятежники ждут перевозки на равнине Белле в Вирджинии. (Mathew Brady, NARA)

Офицеры 69-ого пехотного полка в форте Коркоран, Вирджиния, с полковником Майклом Коркораном. (Mathew Brady, NARA)

May 1864. "Rappahannock River, Virginia. Ruins of bridge at Germanna Ford, where the troops under General Grant crossed May 4." Wet plate glass negative by Timothy O'Sullivan.

Blacks cross the Rappahannock River, Virginia, during the retreat in August 1862.

Blacks cross the Rappahannock River, Virginia, during the retreat in August 1862.

1864. "Bermuda Hundred, Virginia. Photographer [possibly Mathew Brady, next to the horse] at Butler's signal tower, Cobb's Hill, Appomattox River." Note the cloth-draped darkroom and developing chemicals in bottles on the grass. Wet plate glass negative, half of stereo pair.

1864. "Point of Rocks, Virginia (vicinity). Redoubt 'Zabriskie' on Appomattox River." Civil War glass negative collection, Library of Congress

1864. "Fredericksburg, Virginia. Army of the Potomac soldiers drawing from a well, filling their water cart." Wet plate glass negative.

May 1864. "Fredericksburg, Va. Soldiers filling canteens." Photographs from the main Eastern theater of war, Grant's Wilderness Campaign, May-June 1864. Wet plate glass negative, half of stereo pair, photographer unknown.

Раненые солдаты рядом с Мэрис Хайтс, Фредериксбург, Вирджиния, после Битвы при Спотсильвейни в 1864 году. (Mathew Brady, NARA)

May 1864. "Kearny's men wounded at Fredericksburg." Wet plate glass negative, right half of stereo pair. Photograph by James Gardner.

The full-size version of this is a kind of portal to the past. "May 1864. Fredericksburg, Virginia. Cooking tent of the U.S. Sanitary Commission." Photograph from the main Eastern theater of war, Grant's Wilderness Campaign, May-June 1864. Wet plate glass negative by James Gardner.

Баптистская церковь в Фредериксбурге, штат Вирджиния. Фото с заднего двора склада, сделанное 20 мая 1864 года. (James Gardner,LOC)

1865. "Savannah, Georgia (vicinity). Interior of Fort McAllister." Wet-plate glass negative, left half of stereo pair, by Sam A. Cooley.

1864. Vicinity of Savannah, Georgia. View of Fort McAllister on the Ogeechee River.

1864. Savannah, Georgia (vicinity). View of Fort McAllister on the Ogeechee River.

1865. Savannah, Georgia. The reservoir.

1862. The Peninsula, Virginia. "Lt. George A. Custer with dog." Photographs from the main Eastern theater of war, the Peninsular Campaign, May-August 1862. Wet plate glass negative, photographer unknown.

April 1865. "Cold Harbor, Virginia. Collecting bones of soldiers killed in the battle." Photograph from the main Eastern theater of war, Grant's Wilderness Campaign, May-June 1864. Wet plate glass negative by John Reekie.

1861. "Soldiers of Company G, 71st New York Volunteers, in front of Sibley tent." Wet plate glass negative, left half of stereograph pair. Photographer unknown. Civil War glass negative collection, Library of Congress.

Alexandria, Virginia, 1861-69. "The Marshall house, King & Pitt Streets." Wet plate glass negative, left half of stereo pair. Photographer unknown.

July 1865. Alexandria, Virginia. Cooks in the kitchen of Soldiers' Rest. Wet collodion glass plate negative, photographer unknown.

U.S. Army Quartermaster's Department, Alexandria, Virginia. Albumen print from a photograph by Andrew J. Russell taken during the Civil War (1861-1865). Note the elaborate signal mast on the roof.

Circa 1863. Magazine and cannonballs at Battery Rodgers, Alexandria, defending Washington during the Civil War.

May 20, 1862. "The Peninsula, Virginia. The staff of Gen. Fitz-John Porter; Lts. William G. Jones and George A. Custer reclining." Photographs from the main Eastern theater of war: the Peninsular Campaign, May-August 1862. Wet plate glass negative, half of stereograph pair, by James F. Gibson.

April 1865. "Farmville, Virginia, vicinity. High bridge of the South Side Railroad across the Appomattox." From photographs of the main Eastern theater of war, the siege of Petersburg, June 1864-April 1865. Wet collodion glass plate negative, left half of stereograph pair, by Timothy H. O'Sullivan; from Civil War photographs compiled by Hirst Milhollen and Donald Mugridge.

The Chain Bridge over the Potomac River circa 1865, with the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal in the foreground.

View down the Chain Bridge over the Potomac near Washington circa 1865. Wet collodion glass plate negative by William Morris Smith.

St. Augustine, Florida, sometime around 1865, seen looking through the city gates. Half of a wet-collodion glass-plate stereograph made by Samuel A. Cooley.

Six men and a horse in this St. Augustine, Florida, street view from around 1865.

Circa 1864-1865. Jacksonville, Florida, signal tower.

December 1863. Bridge at Strawberry Plains, 20 miles northeast of Knoxville. Wet-plate glass negative by George N. Barnard, half of stereo pair. "These photographs are of the Siege of Knoxville, Nov.-Dec. 1863. The difficult strategic situation of the Federal armies after Chickamauga enabled Bragg to detach a force under Longstreet which aimed to drive Burnside out of East Tennessee and did shut him up in Knoxville, which he defended successfully. These views, taken after Longstreet's withdrawal on December 3, include one of Strawberry Plains, which was on his line of retreat. Barnard was photographer of the chief engineer's office, Military Division of the Mississippi, and his views were transmitted with the report of the chief engineer of Burnside's army, April 11, 1864.

June 1862. Fair Oaks, Virginia. "Frame house on Fair Oaks battlefield used by Hooker's division as a hospital." Wet plate glass negative, right half of stereo pair. Photograph by James F. Gibson.

Federal soldiers killed July 1, 1863, near the McPherson woods. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Wet collodion glass plate, half of stereograph pair. Photograph by Timothy H. O'Sullivan.

July 1863. Dead Confederate sharpshooter at the foot of Round Top. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

March 1862. "Manassas, Va. Orange & Alexandria Railroad wrecked by retreating Confederates." Wet plate glass negative by George N. Barnard.

June 13, 1864. Charles City Court House, Virginia. View of Court House.

Процесс надувания воздушного шара водородом. Такие шары использовались армией США для разведки. (Mathew Brady, NARA)

Почтовая повозка направляется в штаб-квартиру армии Потомака в Фалмуте, штат Вирджиния, март 1863.

Афроамериканцы готовят хлопок для машины Коттон-джин на плантации Смита, Порт Ройал-Айленд, Южная Каролина, в 1862 году.

Магазин торговли рабами. Union Army guard at Price, Birch & Co. slave pen at Alexandria, Virginia, circa 1865. Detail of albumen print.

Exterior view of Price, Birch & Co. slave pen at Alexandria, Virginia, circa 1865. Wet collodion, half of glass plate stereograph pair.

Interior view showing cells of Price, Birch & Co. slave pen at Alexandria, Virginia, circa 1865. Wet collodion, half of glass plate stereograph pair.

Price, Birch slave pen cells at Alexandria, Virginia, circa 1865. Wet collodion, half of glass plate stereograph pair.

Price, Birch slave pen at Alexandria c. 1865. Half of stereo pair.

Available as a Juniper Gallery Fine-Art Print, "Fate of the Rebel Flag" is the second of a pair of patriotic lithographs with a militantly Unionist theme based on paintings by William Bauly and issued by New York art publisher William Schaus in September 1861 at the start of the Civil War. In a spectacular nocturnal scene, a large warship sinks and burns, the flames taking on the configuration of the first flag of the Confederacy, the blue field with seven stars being formed by the night sky. Lightning strikes the flag from the upper left.

old photo, о войне, старая Америка, гражданская война в Америке, это интересно, 2014г.

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