
Sep 05, 2009 17:28

[The feed turns on to show a very, very tall blonde man sitting in a small girl's room, complete with pink bedspread and posters of various animals from around the world. He sits on the bed and his head practically brushes the ceiling. And when he speaks his voice is a bit higher pitched than it would normally sound.

And don't forget the utterly massive wings spouting out from his back.]

Um - Mohinder? Eden? I think we have a problem. I think I switched bodies with Ishaiah and -

[He turns just the slightest bit and the wings turn too, knocking over a lamp with a loud crash of glass as Molly winces]


But the wings are kind of cool.

[OOC - borrowyourwings = also me!]

dude where are my dads?, girl = man?, joyflighting on stolen wings, awkward, dude what about puberty, ew cooties

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