
Mar 04, 2010 22:23

It's amazing how people can think so similarly in so many ways, including right down to the thought process itself. You would think we would all be slightly different, right? I mean, there must be billions of ways for neurons to be arranged in the brain. And then there must be a countless amount of possibilities in the way each one fires into the next. But somehow Family Feud is only able to get 5 answers out of 100 people surveyed.*

On Saturday night, Angela and I organized a game night at her apartment with Ivan, Jeanine, Ang's brother Adam, and Adam's wife Chrissy. We played Scattegories. I was continually amazed at how some of the answers were the same. Especially the weird ones. First, for the letter E, for the category "Things people are allergic to," I put down "eggs." I thought that this was a rather strange answer because I don't know a single person that is allergic to eggs. I figured someone, somewhere had to be, though, right? It was a last minute answer that only came about because I couldn't think of any other edible objects that began with an "e." Somehow, Chrissy had the same exact thought process as me. She too put "eggs" down. So neither of us got a point.

But I guess that was a pretty mild coincidence in comparison to what Adam and I both put down for "Things with numbers" with the letter C. I guess when we both think of numbers, we think back to our childhoods when we were learning to count, which of course leads every child born after 1967 to think of the Count from Sesame Street. And of course he has numbers! So I put that down, thinking I was being all sly and thinking outside the box as far as "Things with numbers." But, alas, no. It turns out Adam and I are equally original in our thinking.

The rest of the weekend was rather mundane. I learned that only 12 of the 32 t-shirts I made last week are usable because the one kind of design doesn't make it through the wash. We had practice at Brian's apartment on Sunday night in preparation for this weekend's show at Riverview Studios. We will be recording the audio and video for it, so it should be a pretty special night!

Also of note this week: someone at my work wrote "Virigina" instead of "Virginia" as a person's name. I had to stifle the gut busting laughter emanating from my cubicle.

*I am aware that they don't always use all 100 responses that they get, but the point loses a certain forcefulness when this information is included. Besides, I'm sure they don't get much more than a total of even 10 different answers anyway.
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