(no subject)

Jul 23, 2008 01:54

Think I've already said it, but I'm gonna say it again.  I'm doing pretty swell, I've got a lot going on right now.

Even so, there's just something that I can't put my finger on.  Maybe it's just that I'm crashing from being manic.  That's probably what it is, I've been having urges to SI lately, but I don't want to and I'll probably manage not to.

Right now I'm just trying to take my mind off of it and calm myself down.  I'd call Courtney but she's gotta be up early (I know you'll probably say that I shoulda called you anyways, but I'd feel bad if I woke you and ya...).  I'll just think about tomorrow...

Tomorrow is also my day off, I need to wake up at a reasonable hour and go over to the bank.  I'll deposit the check that Greg wrote me and then go home and pay off my credit card.  That will be one less thing that is stressing me out.  Then I should have around 200 dollars left, and have zero balance on my card.  I need to call my dad and let him know that I'm not gonna be able to go to dinner with him on thursday since I'm taking an extra shift.  Maybe I'll go for a swim in the pool, I kinda wanna wait until August though to start swimming again seriously.  It is normally $3 to use the pool but if I wait till August then I can buy a month long pass that is $30 so that's a much better deal.  I could just save the money entirely and hopefully get a bike.  What I really want to do is drop seven to eight hundred dollars on one but I don't really have that kind of money, and I doubt I will any time soon.  In which case I might as well try to find a fixie for cheap maybe around 100-150 or so.  I wanna dye my hair again before school starts but I'm not talking to Asia anymore so she can't do it for me and I can't really afford to get it done professionally again, that was just a one time birthday present to myself.  I don't really like how it looks right now,  gonna try to shave it myself and convince Greg to touch it up for me.

First and foremost though I'm gonna buy a ticket to fly down in August, that'll probably be around 160-170 I figure.  Need to buy it soon so that they don't jack the prices or anything.  I guess I'm just kinda overwhelmed right now, there's a lot on my mind lately.  At least the apartment is clean, it feels like home again.  I can't think of anything on earth that would be better right now than to just have her by my side, resting together, as simple as that.

I have been wanting to take 4 classes this semester, but I'm kinda thinking maybe I ought to just take 3.  I can definitely work more hours that way.  I guess I just need to talk to my dad for a bit and get some concrete info from him.

I'm worried about me and Courtney.  I just don't wanna go too long without seeing her that things get stale or anything, and I could really use somebody right now.  I care about this girl a lot, she makes me happy and there's really not too many people who can do that.  I'm gonna try my best to find a way to make it work.  We will just have to make the absolute best out of the time that we are able to spend together.  Make it really count.

Well so far this has worked for me kinda... I'm gonna take out my waste basket and maybe do some dishes.  Maybe after that I'll be able to just tire myself out and get some slumber.

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