Land of the Free, Home of the Brave

Jul 09, 2008 00:46

When I grow old, I hope to have grown old in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.  Where the proletariat has wrested it's freedom from the tight grasp of capitalism.  Where man and woman are equal on all fronts.  Where marriage is no longer a form of social slavery, but instead of union.  Where workers can revel together after a long day, without a trace of class or function.

The most effective form of rule is that which is the most oppressive, and there is no system other than Capitalism which can maintain such a high level of oppression so stably.  Capitalism is based purely upon two things: private property and the goal of profit.  In a truly free state, private property would not exist.  In the consumer state which we live private property exists to keep the petty worker struggling so that the bourgeoisie can hold it over his head "this is what you can toil and slave away for, and if you have it you will be happy."  We are in a system where the goal is to waste as much as possible.  The more waste there is, the more consumption there is, the more production there is, THE MORE MONEY THERE IS FOR THOSE THAT CONTROL THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION.  Expend the most energy possible for the least amount of output.

The problem is not that revolutionaries had no plan for the post-revolution.  It's that their utopia was an even greater utopia for those that planned to prey on them.  The workers who together as one control the factory tempted by the empty promises of the new politicians to move back to the old hierarchal establishment of power.

We are imbeciles for happily working for the favor of those that oppress us, when they should be beholden to us.  To those that say utopia is impossible that there will always be lazy people dragging down the collective, yes there could be a contingent of the unwilling; however, capitalism is the system in which the lazy are highest on the totem pole.  I hope to grow old where there is no hierarchy.

We are slaves by our own volition.  We must only become more aware of it and act upon that awareness.

It's all abstract, but at least I got it out there.  Will be easier for me to mull over.  The problem is that it IS all abstract, there is nothing practical about it.  I could go live in a commune with like-minded people but that doesn't change what's going on in the rest of the world.  I wrote a very detailed/ statistic filled essay about world hunger not too long ago.  Thinking further on it now; unfortunately it is counter-productive to end world poverty.

Keep them desperate and starving so that they are grateful when you throw them crumbs.
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