May 31, 2008 11:49
WOW its been a while.
i've been working ridiculous hours. but its ok! cause i'm WORKING trying to reach my goal for the summer, enough money to pay for an apartment. 2600 more to go! yeaaaah. i've been living off of tips, and not spending my paychecks at all.
let me just say, dinners that you bought with the tips you made that day (anywhere from 3 dollars to 15) are not very good. one night, lou and i bought coffee, beef jerky and dorritos. great dinner!
my sister graduated college which is insane to me.
the pool the boys have been skating at is all gross again from the rain...i think only shanes been there recently. he tagged the crystal if you've talked to me recently, you probably know what i mean.
i'm spending most of my time in castleton, like i thought i would. and its not bad at all...there have been a few moments where i wanted to just like...give up and punch someone, or cry, but not too many of those. i think jon and i are completely ok, i mean on the outside level. obviously there are things i'd love to say to him, and ask him some questions, and i know lately hes probably got some for me, too...but jon and i are the type of people that will ignore that. so its fine, i'm happy with how things are (for the most part). we re-bonded over our rats one night, so exciting. all the semi-tenseness that is around us sometimes vanished. him and his girlfriend have been together for 6 months CRAZY. i'm glad they're happy...even if it makes me squirm a little bit. its ok! his little bro, pat, was there the other night, him and i had great fun together. i love that kid. i named him "pawa" because jon is "jawa" (jonwhite/jonwah = jawa). we discussed the mafia (as i've been doing all week), and whether or not i'm a hippie...seriously? the boys also built up a huge fire, which came dangerously close to a pine tree. luckily, by the time lou was drunk enough, he forgot that he had been planning on jumping over it.
on a sad note, my grandfather died last week...but its ok! i was sad for a while, but i'm not so sad anymore. i am, a little bit. its just, it was time...its been his time for a while now. he's wanted to be right next to my grandmother since she died 13 and a half years ago. that was what everyone was saying at the wake and the funeral. everyone knows it. so i'm glad that he's happier now.
my phone/jon's old phone finally died the other night. i was at shanes, we were having a couple drinks, and he was having a texting fight with lou's friend isaiah, via my phone and lou's phone. lou called me, and shane and i both dove for the phone...and yeah. it didnt end well. i bought a new one, which created a whole host of arguments with my dad. but we're ok now. i have a new phone. i just have to get my pictures off of the old one.
uhh what else. OH i saw indiana jones UM IT ROCKED. it was so good. i think i'm going again with my fam, and then i want to take louis IT WAS SO GOOD.
boys are super confusing, p.s.
juliano might get a job at ben and jerrys with me!!! woohoooo.
monday kiki and i are going to look at apartments CROSS YOUR FINGERS.
the boys might put together a skateboard for me with their old pieces and parts. i just need shoes.
i'm making lou a metal cake for his birthday, and i'll probably make jon a hippie one for his. i do work at ben and jerrys.
its almost party on the hill time, one more month!
oh, i decided i'm dropping out of school, and joining the family business with my cousins from connecticut. i wont say what that is...but the boys and i have a plan :). as a cover up, we'll start a skate team, and i'll organize sweet events for them, and it will be awesome.
funny thing is, i wish i wasn't joking...
Copy and paste to your own journal, erase my answers, and add your own. Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real places, names &/or objects, but nothing made up! Try to use different answers if the person you got this from has the same 1st initial. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question. And Have Fun With It!!!
1) 4 LETTER WORD: earl
2) BOY NAME: elvis
3) GIRL NAME: elisa
4) OCCUPATION: ethno-musicoligist
5) A COLOR: emerald
7) BEVERAGE: eggnog!
8) FOOD: egg
10) A PLACE: england
11) REASON FOR BEING LATE: engrossed