Nov 03, 2013 11:11
I should have started NaNoWriMo on Friday, of course as typical as things are with me I've procastinated all weekend. I have two ideas for the novel and I've still got 27 days to write 50,000 words (gulp). But I did some of Jane's autogenic therapy this morning and flash fiction and I managed 226 words in 5 mins so that was quite good. Of course it has nothing to do with the book, but the fact I wrote that and now I'm writing this is a good enough start.
I've also added my life list as a sticky so I will be pushing myself this week to do some of the things on the list. The entire list is achievable by the end of the week but I'm not going to pressure myself.
I have to see my counselor tomorrow. I'm not going to do the support groups she suggested, I know my Mum's getting to me at the moment but she's only getting to me because I'm letting her. I'm not depressed because of her, I suppose she doesn't help but if I was feeling better she wouldn't bother me so much.
I then have the Doctor on Tuesday. She's supposed to be upping my dose of Citalopram. I'll give it a go as I'm still having some pretty bad days where I just feel so down. But then I'm still finding some days where I all I want to do is sleep. I don't know if that's the depression or a side affect of the drug and will doubling the dose make it better or worse?
I had a knock last week job wise. I contacted an agency and they said they couldn't take me on their books. I think partly it's to do with my last full time job would make me overqualified and my recent self employment makes me underqualified. It pissed me off but then made me a bit more determined to get my VA biz up and running. Why should the agencies dictate who is the best fit for the client. I think mentally though it would have taken a lot of pressure off me to get back into the workplace and have a regular income.