Overshare, like really. Girl things.

Nov 02, 2011 09:31

Oh, hi! Haha, I really wanted to tweet about this but I just can't bring myself to talk about periods on twitter. At least not like this. :D

First of all, my period has been coming two weeks early the last three months. Which...I guess this is just its schedule now, and that's fine! I just never know when to expect it for sure.

Soooo, I woke up a little late for class today, and then to make matters worse...I had to wash my sheets ; / A certain jerk aunt decided to visit me in the night. I have white sheets so I had to get on that immediately, lol.

I wish I could put my period on hold until I'm ready to have babies. But nope! I've never missed a period since I started when I was thirteen. I'm just glad I haven't had any awkward public staining. Not since early on! And that scarred me enough to always be suuuper careful.

I just really hate these 4-5 days a month, kay?

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