I have no explanation, really~

Oct 21, 2011 21:09

I'm burning a candle from Bath and Bodyworks called "Pineapple Orchid" and it's pretty much the most delicious smelling thing ever. Like, if I could get away with eating it- I would.


There are a trillion other things I should be doing right now. That's a lie, only like four other things.

I picked up the kids I nanny from school today, and the girl had a bowlers cap on and was sporting a fake mustache. It was some sort of carnival at their school today and she had purchased said items with her tickets. I locked the doors, rolled down the window, and told her that I didn't let strange mustached men in my car. She was amused until I pretended to drive away.

I did let her in eventually~

I'm really excited about my Secret Santa. It's literally like nothing I've ever written or ever even pondered writing. Which is why I'm going to make sure it kicks ass. I so want to tell the person who I got all about my plans. But it's a secret, so I know...shhhh.

I'm very pleased with the fruits of my new story so far. I have so many ideas for it and I'm so lucky to have people's intrigue. I still don't know how I got so lucky to have people actually wanting to read my writing.

I talked to leichenwasser for many moons last night, and didn't go to sleep until five this morning. It was worth it though. Except for the ten minutes or so where he tried to sway my feelings on sharks.

I have a deeply rooted irrational fear of them.

He loves them.

What a dick.

I get really pleased when Tokio Hotel comes on my shuffle as I'm writing about them, as if it's by design.

IN FACT, I'm going to go and write about them now. I have a deal with ashespashes784 to write at least 1500 words tonight. :D​

BTW. I have had a lot of caffeine today. This post is the result.

I regret nothing.

I leave you with a picture of the hamster that my charges got this past weekend. They named him Jake. Which for some reason is endlessly amusing to me.

random, pictures, my life

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