first, i have to say, this song is incredible. this was one of the songs that he performed when he played with iron and wine back in december. speaking of which, sean found a live recording of one of iron and wine shows on the web. i've yet to listen to it.
i was right about something, again. i kind of saw it coming, again.
evan came back to babylon for about a week or so. i didn't realize how much i missed that kid until i saw him again. he's coming back out here again during the summer. then he's going to berkley so he'll be pretty close us.
i'm now in about 4 bands, which include deck out for disco, rotting squirrell, zerg rush, and a band that we yet have a name for. zerg rush is a grindcore band, which is kind of funny, cause i don't really listen to grindcore. but i have to say, i am loving playing in this band. the little 8th grade metal head in me is happy like whoa. you've probably gotten a friend request on gayspace, but if not here's a link. we only have one song up at the moment, but expect more to come. we covered neutral milk hotel- holland 1945, and it sounds incredible grinded. i'm singing on it, and i amazed myself how well i as able to scream the lyrics. it's not up yet, but shortly i'm sure it will be. and the other band that doesn't have a name yet, is a post rock band that me, jim, dan, and sir mike hakans made about a year, but we haven't had a formal practice until 2 weeks ago. we've played together a few times, and thus far, it sounds really good. we're hopefully going to record before dan goes back up to siena, minus the drums cause mike already went back to RPI. but this is another group of people i'm really enjoying to be playing with. from the few times we've played it sounds really good, kind of like explosions, but more minimalist, like GY!BE. there's no gayspace yet, but believe me, i'm sure there will be.
i made a decision about college. as much as this is going to suck, i'm deciding to spend another year at CW Post. so i'll be there for next semester plus the fall and spring semester of next year. it's going to suck to high heaven, but the only reason i'm doing it is because of the course selction that post offers. i really want to go to the brooklyn campus, but they don't offer half the courses that post does. so i plan on taking pretty much all my electives, and core courses now while i'm at post, then take courses for my yet-to-be-determined major at brooklyn. cause i was thinking about it, and the only type of photography training i'm going to have is what i've learned in high school, plus what i'll learn this semester in college. so i want to take as many photography courses as i possibley can while i'm at post. same with music courses. i've really started playing the guitar again, and i'm so happy i did. so i want to farther my knowledge of, and unfourtanetly brooklyn doesn't offer those courses. i know it's going to suck balls that i'm going to be here in babylon another year, commuting to CW Post, working at store # 922, but i geuss when i finally do move to brooklyn it'll be all that much better.
i started smoking again. eveything just kinnda came at once for me, and i got pretty stressed out. so i'm smoking again. but it can't last for long, mainly for one reason, lack of money.
i'm going out to montauk tomorrow. i had made plans with someone to go out there during the winter break, but those plans fell through with that person, so i decided to go out there by myself, and spend the day photographing. i'm leaving here tomorrow at about 8 30-9, and it take about 2 hours to get out there, which sucks, but it should be good. granted i won't be able to develop this film for like another 6 months or so, but you konw.
i went to a phsychic* a few days ago with noelle and danielle from work. it was interesting. she told me i will find true love in the month of frebruary. but she didn't say february of what year, so yea. apperantley someone very close to me will get very sick sometime in my life, but i shouldn't worry about it, cuse they'll be fine. there's going to be a wedding in my family sometime in the next year. someone is going to return in my life, but i have the option of not allowing them to do so. she said that there were certain things that i suspected about certain people, or better about someone, and i was right about what i suspected. she said i'm going to be moving away from long island with in the next few years. and i'll be doing photography for the rest of my life. the only 2 things that she said that only i would have known was that she said i was having problems sleeping. i actually was, a few nights before i went to see her, i couldn't sleep at all. she said that whatever was bothering me to not let it worry me. that night, and since then i've slept fine. however, i have no clue what was bothering me. and the other thing, was that she said i was going to be taking a trip near water in the next week, i've been planing on going to montauk for the past like 4 months or so.
i have work tongiht, wich sucks balls. 3 to 11. then i'm off tomorrow, then i have work every day following. i have begun to really hate cvs.