Composer & pianist Paul Spaeth is simply one of those skilled individuals capable of expressing the deepest human inspirations & moods into the musical plane. True passion was obviously involved in the creation of this album. By that note, I cannot find a single bland or lackluster piece on Cobalt Blue. Each composition exhibits too much beauty to be criticized.
Spaeth demonstrates his ability to smoothly integrate piano with synthesizers and solo instruments performed by others. Every instrument feels a part of the same exact soundscape, as if nothing were just slapped on and everything were crafted with careful forethought. For example... Horizon cuts me to the knees with its beauty, as soon as this already moving song is joined by an absolutely serene flute performance. And the solo violin in Celtic Legend simply sings with celebratory pride.
This is 100% emotional-piano gold.
I thought I would share my above review with you all. CD in mention is here: music label (if you could really call it one) is not RIAA-affiliated.
Also, this is an very interesting music link...