Sep 22, 2010 23:59
I have officially moved into my new home! I was super apprehensive about moving here at first, because I was having a hard time gauging how I felt about the couple I'll be sharing a roof with. But they welcomed me warmly, and my room is wonderful. Big, spacious, lots of room with my own bathroom. An AC if it gets too hot up here over the next few days. I basically have the entire second floor to myself so no worries about keeping anyone awake if I talk on the phone.
I was nervous because I thought a horsefly was in my room--and I hate horseflies. I was pleased to find it was merely a stinkbug, a creature with which I have become all too familiar with between Kremples and living in 32. I have no reservations about disposing of those insect infidel.
Tomorrow Andy and Adam are helping me move all my boxes up to my room. And I can't wait for tomorrow night. Fall premiere of NBC's Thursday night comedy line-up. Yes, please. I'm going to do some beading and maybe even pick up some ice cream, m'kay.
Phil is coming up next week, and my heart couldn't be more glad. Amidst the awful-wonderful waves of good-bad summer communication, I think the both of us are really looking forward to some good old-fashioned quality time together.
I'm directing the Christmas play this year! Super pumped. Nothing says churchy like Christmas plays! XD It's a play called "Christmas at the Murphy's" and it's got a 15-person cast. This intimidates me. I am afraid we won't have enough volunteers. I can cut out two characters if need be... I did have a dad come up to me today saying he wanted to participate so that is a PLUS on top of the others I've spoken with. It's going to be performed in a Sunday morning service is front of everyone December 12th. Eek. I think I might cast myself into one of the roles if I can't kind the right person for it. It's a 90-year-old hilarious character role who speaks with a New Yorker accent. Brilliant--I just do an impression of my Papa and we're done. :)
Kay, I'm going to read before bed. I hope Kahlan and Richard can make it work.