I had such a great weekend!
On Saturday I was really productive and went to the bank and got some groceries and then after lunch I got some books from the library and I went driving with Pat and Scritch. I'm giving them driving lessons and that day we practiced navigating around a bunch of orange cones! It was so much fun! Then I took a nap and tried to do some research for my sermon (due Thursday! DX)
Then that night, Scritch called me and was like "BONFIRE AT THE BACK OF CAMPUS, YO." And I drove back there and it was AWESOME. They had three firepits going and we roasted some mallows and made smores and whatnot. We played music and danced on tables.
Allison made a new dance that involved us swirling our hips and knees.
Then one of the boys suggested we play beer pong. Which I think is mildly awkward when, ahem, you're on a dry campus and must use Mountain Dew. I mean... the concept is implicitly lame. But I did learn something from it:
1. Beer pong is a game that apparently has rules???
2. I am awesome at it.
Priscilla and I formed a girls team and played againt Scritch and John White. After Priscilla and I each got a cup and the boys hadn't got one, I looked at her and told her I was going to start trash-talking. "Whitey!" I yelled at John White as he, again, made a horrible throw, "Are your sexual tendencies as straight as your shots?"
Then Priscilla and I sat in my car with the heater on (someone put live wood on the fires and they were too smokey to even warm oneself next to), and talked about her job as a children's pastor and other wonderful things.
Today we had a luncheon at church! It was so much fun! I sat with John Yunghan and Alex Khul and this girl from the church named Jenna, who I've always seen there but was never formally introduced to. And the food was delicious and we had a great time!
And after a nap and some sermon work, I went to play practice tonight. I had an amazing cheesesteak from Bob's for dinner. And the highlight of the night for me was when I dressed in a white robe and walked on stage when I wasn't supposed to be there and Scritch tackled this other guy and yelled, "Deus ex machina!" Which... makes more sense in context.
The only flawed aspect of this weekend was that Phil could not be here with me for it. He had to go take care of some business in Virginia. And whenever he goes back home to Virginia I feel very much so like an army wife who is watching her husband being called away to the war in the fact that I must admit to myself that he may never come back. :) But he will! He's coming back tomorrow and joy unspeakable shall be mine.