Sue Sylvester Gets Married

Apr 07, 2011 11:39

This is braisinhussy's bridal set. LOL. Sue Sylvester's Adidas-style wedding gown from Glee. We went to the nearby church late Friday night. Thanks for sitting on a ledge and holding the light & umbrella setup, moriyama_umi!

I admit, the gothic architecture of the church door may have influenced my editing into a Warner Bros. movie poster style...

2. Looking Sue-toic.

3. Swish it up a bit!

4. Wait, this shadow... I think I've found my perfect partner!

Cue the Gershwin...

5. "Sue-wonderful..."

6. "Sue-marvelous..." I asked Sarah to give me an, "Oh, you..." face.

OMAKE... a still from a horror movie I found >.>

photography, cosplay

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