Dec 24, 2003 01:02
I Re-Re Silly lines
That Made Sense at the Time
Pages All Stained With Tears and Red Wine
and I Walk through the Airport and see magaziness
Every Face That I see
So much younger than Me
and I smile to myself how I don't even miss
My glourious past or the lips that I've kissed
And I think to myself that how easy this is
Easy to breathe, easy to live
And I wonder why I tear myself in two
Over how to be, what to say and what to do
And I know you Liked me better Then
and I know you Liked me better When I was a Fool
So I live in These Days
But I still have my Old ways
Cause the Future somehow has yet to arrive
and I see around me the women on time
Kids and Divorces and Crises in my life
and do I surrender and Give up my dream
For a brick in the wall and a washing machine?
Grow up and get real
for a kid in their teens
who won't care what I've done
Where I've been, and what I've seen?
I'm Free To a Fault
I'm Singing
I'm Living My Life
Fly Down the Highway
Sun On My Face
I belong to nobody
I belong to No Place
God Johnette I Could just Fuck your Lyrics...God I need to go to sleep...ugh...
I belong to No Place