Some totally pointless drabble...
“D’you know why the sky is blue?” It was the perfect autumn day. The air was still warm and the leaves around were as red as Amy’s hair and the sky was a pristine corn flower blue.
Marin rolled over onto her back to look up at the clear sky. “Um, I know I learned about it in Physics and stuff last year…”
“Yeah,” Amy said, “me too.”
“Who ever even remembers that stuff, anyway? It’s not like we’re ever gonna need it in real life.” The wind blew and a flock of geese flew overhead in a perfect V formation.
“Exactly!” Amy said, sitting up, her red hair full of dead leaves and grass, “and when am I ever going to use pi and the cube root?”
Marin laughed and stuck her feet up to the sky, watching her pink and green shoes look like they were pushing the sky up. “Never. Math teacher’s just want to torture us. I mean, we’ll never use anything we learn in math beyond like, seventh grade, unless we become-”
“Math teachers!” both girls chorused. The both tittered before falling silent, Marin’s shoelaces dangling from her upheld shoes.
“You going to Katie’s party tonight?” she asked.
“No,” Amy answered, trying to pull some of the leaves from her wavy ginger hair, “Are you?”
“No. Are you going to the mall with Brett, still?”
“No… he was a real jerk,” Amy said, wrinkling her nose.
Marin put down her feet and tucked her arms behind her head. “I hate boys. They’re stupid.”
“I know. I mean, some of them are nice and all, but if any of them are like Brett… I mean, ew.”
Marin rolled over on her stomach and looked across the expanse of the park. Little kids were running around screaming at each other and throwing piles of leaves up in the air. “So if you’re not going to the mall, and neither of us are going to the party, what are we doing?”
Amy started to braid her hair. “Nothing, I guess. We’re losers.”
“Naw,” Marin said, “They’re the losers… All the cool kids lay on lawns instead of shopping…”
“I’m broke, anyway.”
“There’s nothing I really want to buy, either.”
“Me neither.”
Marin rolled back over on her back and Amy laid back down, both of their bodies stretched out on the still damp grass and faces looking skyward. “D’you remember, yet?” Amy asked.
“About what?”
“The sky.”
Marin put her hands behind her head and closed her eyes. “No… But I don’t think it matters, anyway. It just is.”