Feb 24, 2005 15:34
We finally have snow here. It comes and goes in flurries but it's been more than enough to wake up to a winter wonderland. As fun as this is I've not had the chance to do half of the things I wanted to. I havn't got around to a snowball fight with someone. I've not yet had a load of photos taken as it falls. I havn't built a snowman in YEARS. Snow seems to bring me a strange sense of childish glee, but to everyone else at work they mope and complain how cold it is. Terrible, it doesn't hurt just to have a smile on your face. I feel like the youngest guy here and at 24 that's not exactly the best sign. Maybe people have to remember how to enjoy things again. Be a kid again and live a little.
The snow has been a new experience to Rikku - probabbly because it was forced upon her. She paid no interest to it falling and when shoved outside she looked around before realising that home was a much better (and warmer) prospect, gettting into a chair and falling asleep, which is where she remained when I left. I'm beginning to think she's getting pampered now.
The snow has also brought other complications. We have been hit with a spate of powercuts. It's not fun getting caled in at 8am when all you can do is sit around in the dark for the moment the lights flicker back on again. I would have rather stayed at home, hoping the food in my fridge freezer doesn't get wrecked. It's not like Bantex has a stack of potato waffles that could turn to mush.
[AJ] has entered into wedding mode. The quote for the flowers was stupidly high so we've decided to get our own buttonholes, collections for the bridesmainds and the bride herself. It's got to be said that they look STUNNING - she's so tallented. I never imagined she was good at flower arranging but being good with her hands it's no real surprise. Incidentally [AJ] takes her exam soon for Jet 2 - in case people are wondering that's the course you have to take that says 'Hi, I can own a jewelry shop in the UK and am educated to a top standard'. Of course this is fantastic news and I have no doubt she won't pass. It's pretty interesting watching her dream come to fruition. I havn't seen her so happy in a long while.
When [Ash] and [Ryan] visited reciently we entered into a debate over cats and dogs. [Ryan] was adament that dogs are superior to cats because they can be trained. [Ash] and I disagreed and so I shall share with you all the reasons why....
I have taught Rikku a trick. Not just any trick mind you - more of a game per say but even still it's pretty entertaining. It started off with three toy mice we had brought for her to attack and do cattish things to, like pounce and stalk. I noticed that after picking the mice up she took them back to a certain place in the living room and savaged them. So, throwing one to the end of the room I took the decision to sit when she sat afterwards. Rikku trotted over to me and I proceeded to praise her. She dropped the mouse so I threw it again and she collected. When the fun was beginning to wain I threw the mouse, got up and sat on the sofa. Rikku sat in front of me, mouse in mouth with large expectant eyes.
I have taught my cat to play fetch.
In fact now she will collect the mice from anywhere in the house, come and find me AND hold the mouse in her mouth until I put my hand under it and ask her to drop it.
Incidentally this will be hell when she catches birds and real mice. I am fully aware of this.
Tonight I'll take some video of it and get around to uploading tomorrow.