Dec 18, 2002 04:37
we all lined up at the wrong spot.
That was the most greatest thing
We got there at like 9:30
show didnt start til 12:10
and the ents
and oh geez.
and they stomped and kicked and slammed them together.
and the sliding
and the tossing
and the cutting
and the "woah now"
and the ewyon
Ewyon is so pretty.
And she <3s Aragorn.
Stupid Arwen
and then all the elves were just like "Yeah, we're badass"
and showed up
and were cool looking
and then Aragorn was all "woo, put on my armor and look so damn cool doing it"
and then Gimli was just like "Geez, I hate running"
And then dead things kept falling on Gimli.
And then Gimli goes "I've killed two already!"
And Legolas goes "I've killed eighteen!"
And then Gimli goes "No way!"
and he just stands up between the ladders killing them
and goes "Toss me!"
And then he goes, "don't tell the elf"
oooooooooh man
and then treebeard goes out and sees all the trees gone.
And he gets so sad.
And says that those trees were his friends.
and then all the other ents come out
And theyre mad too.
And they kick and stomp and smash them together.
And pull out stuff.
And Saruman's just like "Oh no! I'm a big wank"
And then Sam ate coneys.
and then golum was just like "Eww. Fat hobbit likes coneys"
And golum makes me want to cry.
It's so sad..
I did cry.
I was crying.
so happy
And man those ents were cool.
And the Ring Wraiths were on flying things!!!
And then Faramir is just like "Man, I look cool"
And then Sam goes "I'm your Sam!"
And I want a Sam.
I want a Sam.
And Frodo is like "Don't make fun of Golum!"
and then he calls him smeagol
And Gollum gets all saaaad..
And I got sad.
And man, those ents were cool.
And those big cat things.
and i dont know what the heck they were but they were scary.
and then all the uruk-hai's stomping all around.
and i got scared and kept hiding my face
And the one elf!!
Oh my god it was so sad.. I cried..
And then Aragorn..
Woooooooooooooo baby, he got pissed off cause of that.
And jumps out on a ladder and goes *sound effect of ladder falling into bad guys here*
And kills all the bad guys!
And have I mentioned that I love Aragorn?
and then Gimli jumps out
and then Legolas was trying to kill the one
And he just kept running..
And Aragorn was all "kill it!!!!!!!!"
And then the thing went BLAMO!
And they were coming in.
And Aragorn is just like "Nu uh you don't!"
And Gandalf comes back
With Eomir
Who's all "Don't you touch my sister, jackass"
And that guy was sooooooooooooo ugly
And the king was gonna kill him
But Aragorn stopped him
And they all thought Aragorn was dead.
And the one orc was all "Hahahaha. He's dead"
And then the orc died.
And I said "stab him anyway!"
And then Randi laughed and she goes "Oh youre sick"
And then people knew who Gandalf's horse was.
And you heard everyone go "Shadowfax!"
Instead of "that's a pretty horse"
And maaaaaaaaan
oh man oh man
And then they came down and he was all glowing and they were all "We cant see!"
And Gimli couldn't see!
And Legolas offered to get him a box.
And then woo man.
And I'm going to the bathroom during the Arwen parts next time I see the movie just like I did with the first one.
And.. I'm just.. happy.
There's only like two things I think that could happen that would make me even happier.
I'm happy.
I leave you all now.
Good night.