Jul 06, 2002 11:09
I was recording a show right?
Well.. I was recording with the tv off because they were out there. I was just going to watch it later. So when they left for.. wherever.. I went out there, and one of them had turned off the cable. And it's just.. GAH. DO YOU NOT SEE THAT THE FUCKING VCR SAYS "RECORD"? DONT YOU THINK THAT WOULD MEAN SOMEBODY IS TRYING TO RECORD SOMETHING? So.. yeah. I missed the first half hour. and all I recorded for the first hour or so is fuzz. harhar. Everybody laugh at me. But.. I at least got to watch the last half hour of it.
I'm going to have to try to watch it again.
All of it. whenever they show it again..
hahahahahahahohohohoheeheeheeheeheeahahahahahahaheheheheeheeheehee mountians. hahahahahahahahahahaha
that part made me laugh.