Kupo Kupo! Reminds me of those nuts from Zelda

Mar 25, 2007 13:46

[ Background ]

Name:  Tiana Stirewalt
Age: 18
Height: 5'7''
I want to be voted as [girl/boy/doesn't matter]: It doesn't matter to me.
I found Mog_Dance from [promoting user]: Necrotic Prince

[ Please Explain when needed ]

Strong Points: I am very zen. I mean it, when a stressful sitution hits I don't just all of sudden go "Oh shit!" Instead I am like "So, what can be done about this I wonder..." I mean seriously, do you see a point in getting yourself in knots? I am also very loyal to my friends and family.
Weak Points: I can sometimes laugh at the stupidest things.
Hobbies: bike riding, hiking, rock climbing, drawing, writing, reading novels and manga.
Dreams: To have the job that makes me happiest, and something that has some spice to it. No use going to a boring job ne?
Describe yourself in 3 words: Loyal, Kind, Strong

[ This or That... explain when needed ^_^ ]

Optimistic or Pessimistic: A really nice balance of both. I mean, if you are overly optimistic then the littlest things will let you down. But if you are overly pessismistic then you don't get much out of life. So I am trying to find that nice balance.
Hyper or Calm or Normal Energy: I swing between them. I mean, sometimes I can be very energetic, sometimes I am very calm, and sometimes I am normal. It just depends on the situation I am stuck in.
Implusive or Analyze the situation: Analyze the situatio first. Acting on impulse may be good for some, but seriously if you don't know what you're jumping in for you might as well be wearing a neon sign saying "Here I am! Attack me now!"
Outgoing or Shy: I am more outgoing then I am shy. I keep quiet sometimes, but that doesn't mean I am shy. It most of the time means I am trying to see what the people in my surroundings are all about.
Confident or Insecure: Confident for the most part.
Athletic or Intellectual: I am a bit of both. I can play soccer, I do martial arts, but I am also a deep thinker who looks for the greater meaning sometimes.

[ Situation Questions... explaination not necessary ]

Q - If your house was on fire, what are 3 things you would save that you cannot live without?
A -  My cat, My books, and my music
Q - You're playing basketball, it's the dying seconds, your team is down by 2... you start with the ball. Do you: pass it to the best player, pass it to who has the best shot, try to take the tying shot yourself, attempt a 3 pointer to win it, or would you not want to be in a situation like this? (try thinking outside the box... this isn't about basketball =P)
A -  I try to take the shot myself. If this is the sort of metaphorical question I believe it is, then I would say I would wish my friends/team to be all right.
Q - You go to a busy restaurant, the service is bad. Do you: leave them a small tip, tip them anyways cuz you feel bad for them working so hard, bitch out the waiter, leave a penny tip to piss them off.. etc"
A -  Leave them a small tip.
Q - You are low on cash and you found a wallet. Do you: return it hoping for a reward, return it anonymously, keep it, take a little money out (they won't miss it), return it but remember the credit card numbers...
A -  Return it hoping for a reward
Q - Your best friends sister gets beaten up, and your best friend wants revenge. Do you stop him? go after the guys yourself? help him? get the authorities involved and let them deal it it? let his sister deal with it,s he's got to learn to deal with her own problems? laugh because you never liked his sister anyways?
A - I help him.
Q - What's the perfect way to meet someone? Blind date, stealing someone's gf/bf, being famous and having people flock to you, having a famous person choose you, at a party, date somebody who you have been friends with a long time, stalking somebody until they realize you're the one for them, or just by chance?
A - Dating someone I have been friends with
Q - If you could freeze yourself at any age, what would it be?
pre to early teens
mid to late teens
early to mid twenties
late twenties to early thirties
mid thirties to mid fifties
sixty and over
I'd never have been born
A - Early to mid twenties
Q - In life, right and wrong is: Black and white, relative to the situation, or not important.
A -  Relative to the situation
[ Pictures ]

http://s122.photobucket.com/albums/o243/DragonMasterWataru/?action=view¤t=Scannedcoversandimages026.jpg  Before and after I got my haircut (this wasn't too long ago, like ..a few months)

http://s122.photobucket.com/albums/o243/DragonMasterWataru/?action=view¤t=Scannedcoversandimages001-1.jpg and since I can hardly find pics of me alone, it's me and my friend Kyle.

Sites to help you vote! ^_^
[ x _fcksavedurl="http://www.ffonline.com/>x" ] * Good, some FF not soo detailed
[ x ] * Very good, but not all FF listed
[ x ] * Click under FF data base ---> characters ---> all characters

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