Kupo! ^_^

Feb 28, 2006 01:30

[ Background ]
Name: Megh
Age: 20
Height: 5'3"
I want to be voted as [girl/boy/doesn't matter]: either or both ^_^
I found Mog_Dance from [promoting user]: luoshenhua

[ Please Explain when needed ]
Strong Points: inner strength, empathic, I am loyal and protective of my loved ones, my silence, good judge of situations, good memory, honest, open-minded, determined; spiritual, firm in my beliefs
Weak Points: I repress/bury my emotions which causes all sorts of problems when trying to deal with them and understand them. I tend to allow fear of failure and hurting others to get the better of me, and a combination of the previous two statements leads to me not opening up to others very much. I don't trust easily.
Hobbies: reading, fanfiction, dancing, meditation, poetry, listening to music, solitude, hanging with friends, being out and about, try to spend time with nature, learning about cultures and religions, writing, internet, napping, movies, shopping
Dreams: to be myself in the truest and best form possible, to change the world, to live a meaningful life, have lots of pets...
Describe yourself in 3 words: temperamental, androgynous, enigmatic

[ This or That... explain when needed ^_^ ]
Optimistic or Pessimistic: I believe in good in situations and people, but am well aware of the stupidity and whatnot present in society, so mostly just realistic
Hyper or Calm or Normal Energy: fairly calm, though restless...though I can get hyper when with friends or on a lot of sugar
Implusive or Analyze the situation: I tend to analyze the situation, though I'll be spontaneous from time to time.
Outgoing or Shy: reserved is a better word, I'm more just quiet and calm then shy, but I have my outgoing moments when in the right mood.
Confident or Insecure: both. depends on the day really and in some areas I have confidence while others I am more insecure. it fluctuates a lot.
Athletic or Intellectual: intellectual, though I'm decent physical shape...just need to tone up a bit

[ Situation Questions... explaination not necessary ]
Q - If your house was on fire, what are 3 things you would save that you cannot live without?
A - my family (pets included), irreplaceable gifts from loved ones, maybe the laptop b/c its not insured and I cant afford another one
Q - You're playing basketball, it's the dying seconds, your team is down by 2... you start with the ball. Do you: pass it to the best player, pass it to who has the best shot, try to take the tying shot yourself, attempt a 3 pointer to win it, or would you not want to be in a situation like this? (try thinking outside the box... this isn't about basketball =P)
A - pass it to the best player or who has the best shot. different people are suited to different things, you cant do everything yourself, sometimes its out of your hands. the important part is that what needs to be done is, not who, its not about the spotlight.
Q - You go to a busy restaurant, the service is bad. Do you: leave them a small tip, tip them anyways cuz you feel bad for them working so hard, bitch out the waiter, leave a penny tip to piss them off.. etc"
A - I'd still leave them a tip, they are trying their best to do their job after all, I might still bitch about the service in my head out of frustration, but I'm not going to take it out on the waiter when it isn't their fault.
Q - You are low on cash and you found a wallet. Do you: return it hoping for a reward, return it anonymously, keep it, take a little money out (they won't miss it), return it but remember the credit card numbers...
A - Return it. Me being low on cash is not justification for stealing.
Q - Your best friends sister gets beaten up, and your best friend wants revenge. Do you stop him? go after the guys yourself? help him? get the authorities involved and let them deal it it? let his sister deal with it,s he's got to learn to deal with her own problems? laugh because you never liked his sister anyways?
A - call the authorities. I dont want my friend to get hurt trying to get revenge.
Q - What's the perfect way to meet someone? Blind date, stealing someone's gf/bf, being famous and having people flock to you, having a famous person choose you, at a party, date somebody who you have been friends with a long time, stalking somebody until they realize you're the one for them, or just by chance?
A - By chance. Let romance happen naturally, don't go looking for it. And don't screw others over to get it.
Q - If you could freeze yourself at any age, what would it be?
pre to early teens
mid to late teens
early to mid twenties
late twenties to early thirties
mid thirties to mid fifties
sixty and over
I'd never have been born
A - early to mid twenties
Q - In life, right and wrong is: Black and white, relative to the situation, or not important.
A - the world is shades of gray, it does depend on the situation.

[ Pictures ]

Sites to help you vote! ^_^
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