
Jan 25, 2005 22:27

If nobody is perfect, why, as people, do we always tend to feel like we are the only ones that have to be ( Read more... )

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roseforwinter January 26 2005, 15:28:41 UTC
Hey Jimmy maybe your just looking at it this from the wrong perspective. I mean to be perfect and all, sure that's somthing we strive for but that's not the issue really. If in our minds we make it out to be, I have to do this and this and can't do this or that then it's just a list of things to try and accomplish. And that's why I fell into problems so much anyway, and they were consequences that followed, sure. But I guess, in having alot of time to read the bible this week and just think things over, that when you grow closer to God you realize I just don't really have the desire to do those things i wanted to do before, and it's not that I'm missing out on fun but it's like God is trying to protect me from getting into things that will mess up my life. and if I screw up along the way oh well, i repent and move on, I don't hit myself over the head with the fact thati'm not perfect. God already knows that and he is pateient but at the same time as I grow closer to Him, the more i will begin to be like him. And since God does love us he's not going to just watch our lives go down the drain without stopping it or giing us signals to turn back to him. And then also replying to the idea that "since God died for us we don't have to worry about it (I believe you meant sin or somthing of that nature, failure) but you believe we do have to worry about it" Well sin is always prevelent and will be till we die whether alot or a little, but one difference is that, that sin will not keep us from salvation. Because then our salvation is based off works. But the good thing is as we "our transorfmed by the renewing of our mind through Christ" that we will become more liek him but it will be done out of getting closer to Christ in our relationship not a bunch of rules we have to follow. If we are truely living in the spirit on a daily basis we will be guided by the spirit and not our flesh or the law.


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