Watch the Internet die

Mar 19, 2011 11:25

That’s a plot I’ve been mak­ing based on this data. If the y-​​axis doesn’t make any sense to you, this rep­res­ents the num­ber IP address blocks each of the world’s five Regional Inter­net Regis­tries has left to assign to Inter­net users. North Amer­ica is look­ing pretty safe for a while (hoo­ray). Asia and Aus­tralia are cur­rently expec­ted to run out on April 30, 2011. Bad things are going to be hap­pen­ing then.

I seem to have a thing for plot­ting things.

Plot also avail­able in SVG format. Both should be updated vaguely daily.

Originally published at Wizardlike research. You can comment here or there.

silly, networking

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