Well, now I have more time on my hands, so I suppose I should write a REAL entry. I mean, i write shit on myspace CONSTANTLY but maybe I should back off a little. I mean, I practically lived for this thing when I was younger. But now... I'm growing up. I read my old entries, and it's like.... wow. I wish I could worry about the stupid things then as I do now.
So basically, I turn 16 in September. THAT scares the living shit out of me. Because basically, I have two years until I'm 18. Forgetting the fact that I'll be living by myself as soon as I "hopefully" become emancipated. It's a lotta work and I'm kinda scared because this will most likely be the breaking of my mother and i's relationship. I mean, it wasn't all that great before, but now she'll either disown me or make my life hell, but I mean, she's done what I believe is pretty much as worst as it can get, so what does it matter?
So this is me as of current date:

There is a picture of me when I was 11 here in the office, and it's a complete turn around. Hopefully for the better, but yanno.
Brianna, my wonderous sister, is now 20. Which also freaks me out. I wigged whenever she turned 13. It was like, "WTF!!!@?!?1" But now the shock is pretty much over and life goes on.
Here she is:

She's gorgeous, no?
Aye, she very well is.
Any who.
I'm gonna be a god damn sophmore! YEAH BITCHES. Well, not really. 10th, though. It's pretty exciting. I mean, I'm gonna ramble along then I'll get some boring stiff job like everyone else. But yeah. I have a boyfriend.
His name is Kasey:

Not the best picture, but I love him.
Oh man
Guess who called me today?!
YEAH. The big one.
( i don't know his middle name, so D stands for dumbass)
But yeah, I haven't talked to that kid in a BILLION YEARS.
He sounds a little better.
Who knows.
But Kasey called a little while ago, "Just to say goodnight" which sucks cuz I so much to tell him and I felt like shit and I finally felt better. (i threw up earlier. stupid heat) Whatever though, I guess i'll just talk to the jack ass tomorrow.
I'm totally in love with Kasey Lee Cates, though.
I'm amazing.