The Real Definition of Victory According to Bush

Jan 13, 2007 15:36

This is something that people have been saying from the beginning: that we went to war in Iraq for their oil. Well, it seems like the time for us to reap those "rewards" is upon us. This is why we kept troops in Iraq. This is why we are sending more troops. This is why we choose certain political parties in Iraq. This is why Bush said he won't be removing troops during his presidency.

Oil. Like money, it's the root of evil. If only we invested the billions we spent in the Iraq war in finding alternative fuels, we would have a more stable and competent military, a better economy, a more stable political ground, still kept our standing in the global community, furthered science, and possibly received some other boons. If our politicians do represent us, as they are supposed to, then Americans are nothing but greedy, ignorant, short-sighted, self-centered, apathetic sadists. Have fun voting in 2008.
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