Mar 23, 2006 11:56
I finished another quarter yesterday and this one went out pretty quietly. No staying up all night or only sleeping an average of 3 hours each day during finals week. I had everything under control this time. Although it might be because I only had two final projects to do this time. My Digital Ink and Paint class had a project that we've been working on since week 3 and had to be done by week 8 or 9, so that one has been finished for quite a while. It had to be done then so we could switch with the other group, touch up their stuff, and then compile our stuff. My Rigging class had a final. For my Portfolio class we just had to turn in the portfolio we've been working on since week one. Even if I hadn't been working on this thing all quarter, I could've made it in less than a day. So the only classes I had final projects in were 3D Camera Techniques and Materials and Lighting, both of which I've been working on since week 5 or 6. In fact, I was finished with Materials and Lighting by the end of class on week 10 (of 11). Also, I had to have a rough cut of my 3D Cam project by week 10, so all I had to do this week was touch up some stuff, re-render stuff (which took a lot of time), edit and output it (which took the most time). In other words, I spent more time waiting on the computer to render the Maya files and the Final Cut video than I spent working on the project during that last week. Anyway, now it's time to work on building my demo reel over break and finally try and make a webpage (a process that's been so much harder than I ever thought it'd be).