So with all the health care bill worry about whether my insurance will change, I decided to go ahead and use up what I had left of my dental insurance. Really wishing now that it had been more than $524, because ow. Not the tooth, the wallet. What even the dentist thought would be a filling turned into more. The cavity on my molar was shallow, but stretched either side along my outer gum line.
The drilling away the cavity started out fine... then the tool literally sunk into the tooth. Turns out there was a "pocket of decay", and she was very surprised it hadn't been bothering me. I'd just wanted to get it out of the way before the cavity we'd been able to see got worse, and I'd lose the tooth.
So, now I'm getting a crown. The woman that handles payments didn't know we were going to end up with a crown, or she said she would have barged in and stopped the work to tell me the cost was more than what the insurance was going to be able to cover. A lot more. I paid $200 today, and have to have the rest of the $400-something paid off before the final crown is set. If I hadn't had a 3rd pay period at the end of last month there's no way I'd have had that. Thankfully payday is this week, too.
Anyway, my temporary is probably the closest I'll get to looking like I have a gold tooth, ever. It's not even gold, it's some kind of coppery substance that's really rather flimsy. When they told me to bite down for the fit, I could feel it crunching. It actually came out looking better than I was imagining it would.
Now, I get to try to catch a few hours of sleep before doing my part of the yard work before sundown. I'd do it tomorrow if I could, but there's apparently the threat of rain. Sigh.